Most of my Part 90 LMR radios are loaded with receive frequencies for all my local police, fire CHP, etc, but no transmit freqs programmed. Not because of the rule cited above, I just don't want someone else getting ahold of my radios and causing any problems.
Same here regardless of the radio used. Yes, even my, _GASP_, MARS/CAP modded ham radios. I program in the PS receive freqs and then program the transmit freqs for some legal, but not used locally, ham freq, at as low a power setting as the radio will allow. If the radio allows it I lock out the TX on that programmed channel. In addition to someone else getting hold of the radio, if I grab the radio and squeeze the mic while it is in scan I don't want to accidentally stop on and throw my callsign out on some PS freq. Man, I have heard that happen to other people more than a few times.
Now, that may seem like the long way around to just making the radio do (sort of) what it did before being modded. I mean most radios receive the same after modding, only the TX is changed. So with most unmodded radios you can program in the PS receive freqs and then the radio will not TX on those freqs why mod it?
Why mod it? Because I can. "I'm the kind of guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, "Gee, should I have the T-bone or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with a side order of gravy fries"? "I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jello all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to." If you get the reference you know what I mean.
Oh, and there are some actual reasons (to modify) for 1 or 2 of my radios (used with transverters), but that is besides the fact. Are all my ham radios modded? No, but probably about half of them are (all of the HF radios are)...and I don't have to defend that to anyone. Are any of them modded because I thought that one day I might "need" to transmit on a PS frequency? Not a one, that concept is just not on my horizon.