I DO AGREE your correct about being "news" related.
I was simply adding info to this pre-existing thread that I didnt start - since that news story is about the same topic of cell phones and drivers...
and here was an example in Toronto of a major accident possibly caused by a driver on a cell phone. I thought it lended perfectly into the thread in case anybody questioned why Quebec did what they did... to avoid something like that accident.
If the mod wants to delete my reply thats 100% fine but then I expect other threads (there is one in the Ontario section right now) that have nothing to do with radio activity either to be deleted as well.
Again off topic but to reply to your comment...
I have a early version $599US Apple iphone (its now $399).. and it doesnt come with voice dial...
So not all phones have it.. I was saying in general terms.
Nokia's are good phones to me, no matter what the price.