I think "B" has a misaligned transmitter
Interesting idea, David... By "misaligned", do you mean "off frequency", "improperly deviating", or something else? Sorry if that's a dumb question.
Not a dumb question at all! I think it's an "improperly deviating" type of problem and not anything to do with data on the same freq It's P25 voice data that's not being decoded properly. From what I've been told by a radio tech is that a P25 transmitter has to be set up correctly such that the deviation has to be correct in all 4 quadrants. You won't be able to see this by looking at the signal on a conventional spectrum analyer since it has to do with the phase relationship between individual symbols in the P25 data.
My symptoms on the TK-5210 are simply no P25 decode at all and the radio remains muted even though it's programmed for NAC F7E, i.e., unmute on any incoming NAC. It's definitely not a NAC problem. I previously owned a pair of ICOM IC-F70DT P25 portables and they both did the same thing on B's signal and I would get at most a few syllables of decoded audio. I also know someone who has an EFJohnson P25 and a Midland P25 portable and they both do the exact same thing on Troop B's signal and he also hears Troop B perfectly on his P25 scanners.
Aside from that... how do you like your TK-5210?? (that's a serious question, I considered buying one). Can you describe in what way(s) it doesn't decode Troop B well? Just broken-up audio, or do you get the ever popular "hang on channel but no audio received" problem? Because the latter I'd chalk-up to their charming in-band data use. How well does it decode Hillsborough County?
I haven't tried it yet on Hillsboro County yet but maybe I should since I live in Hillsborough County, LOL.
My symptoms are no P25 decode at all on B's signal when somebody is talking. I've confirmed it several times on my scanners....the scanners all hear it while the 5210 stays muted. The 5210 doesn't hang on the channel...it correctly ignores the other non-voice data....just stays muted on legit P25 audio traffic.
The one weird thing about listening on my scanners is that my BC250D portable (what a POS!) behaves like the sound quality adjustment needs a slight tweak to hear Troop B's signal better. The sound quality adjustment on the 250D is a manual adjustment and the adjustment affects decoding all P25 traffic in the same band. Uniden got smarter in their newer scanners by making it automatic with the option of manually adjusting it on a per channel basis. The fact that Troop B's signal needs a slight tweak while all others are OK for a given quality setting leads me to believe that some of the modulation parameters may be slightly out of whack with Troop B's transmitter.
As for how I like the 5210....I absolutely LOVE it! It is definitely WAAAYYYY better than the ICOM F70DT portables I had previously....better in every way including audio and battery life. Overall the 5210 is right up there with the Moto XTS's in terms of overall quality. It's a bit more pricey than the ICOM but less than the Motos. I would recommend it as an option to consider if looking for an alternative to Motorola.
The only weirdness I've run into is the failure to decode Troop B's signal and ONLY Troop B's signal so far. All other P25 traffic I've heard on it decodes perfectly and better than any of my scanners. I've also played around with P25 on the 2-meter ham band and it works well there.