Trunking Recorder Conventional P25 and Analog Upload to Brodcastify Calls


Short Bus Reject
Feed Provider
Jun 11, 2016
New York State
I am trying to set up Trunking Recorder (not Trunk Recorder; there is a difference) to upload to a Broadcastify Calls node for Conventional P25 and Analog calls. Furthermore, When applying for a node on the B calls website, and I select trunking recorder 3.0, I am then prompted to select a Trunked system only and don't have the option to set up a conventional P25 or analog frequency.

To my knowledge, this feature is supported in trunking recorder, and it is just not interfaced with the B Calls Website. Is there any way this can be implemented?

2023-10-07 19_33_25-Step 1 - Calls Ingest Application.png
2023-10-07 19_33_14-Step 2 - Calls Details.png