TRX-1: TRX-1 Ease of Use

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Silent Key/KF4ANC
Feb 12, 2005
Fairborn, OH
Hey all - I hope my subject matter and/or topic is not redundant, but I have some questions and/or issues with the TRX-1 that I would like to clear up before I whip out the Visa.

As usual, some very interesting facts and info on this forum regarding the TRX-1. I returned my 436 because I was very dissatisfied with the reception on my local digital simulcast system. Have relatives out patrolling with the local PD and wanted to monitor their transmissions. I sent it back to Scanner Master after 2 weeks. I did not like the operations on the 436, and it was confusing at times. Not so suitable for travel. I have always liked Uniden scanners, partly because they were easy to learn - and I needed simple and fast because, driving a big rig cross-country, I like being able to switch systems on the go with a one-touch poke between gears ;) Been digital-less for some time now and have decided to switch brands and go for the TXR-1. That being said, I am wondering about ease of use while traveling with this radio.

I loved the Uniden 396 and the fact that I could pre-program it with all the systems I would be driving thru the next day, say 1-10 banks, and simply turn the different banks off and on as I needed. It was easy to dump systems and reprogram every night for the next work day with ARC, leaving in the permanent systems I needed for my job such as DOT Scales, FEMA, and itinerants, etc.

My question to the experts here - once I have learned and basically mastered the TRX-1, do you think it is a scanner suitable for interstate travel (ease of use, programming, etc)? If you look at my profile pictures you will see the interior of my Freightliner and my communications setup, where everything is at my fingertips and very accessible while driving. Is it easy (on the go) to turn systems on and off? Easy to program in regards to a different planned route everyday?

Thanks to all who will give me their advice, as I know I can always depend on the fine folks in these forums for good advice and opinions. Thank you!



RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
You can turn scansets on and off with the numeric keypad - and a "scanset" is a group of scan lists as defined by you. There are, I believe, 20 scansets that you can create groups of scan lists in (from just one scan list to multiple ones, up to all in one).

In other words, for your home area you could have scanset 1 set to scan lists 1, 2, and 3 (if all three of those scan lists were your local stuff) and then scanset 2 could be the next area you head to most often, which might include scan lists 2, 4, 5, and 6 (let's say scanset 2 was a statewide system in this case, so you wanted to scan it in both scansets).

I hope I'm making sense...


Feb 24, 2001
As far as on the go usage one of the main reasons I started to prefer the Whistler UI more than the Uniden UI is that provided the scanner is up to date (and even if it is not) you can set up Scanlists, Scansets, edit Systems and Talk Groups from the unit itself without having to be tethered to a PC.

I recall setting up my 396xt prior to a vacation so that I could toggle systems on and off as I needed. It was fun to get everything exactly the way that I wanted but it was also time consuming.

The TRX, much like the 1080, 1088 can be set up on the fly and edited later if you want a higher level of customization.

I would say that after about 30 minutes or so of familiarizing yourself with the UI you should be able to get by no problem, perhaps in even a bit less time.


Silent Key/KF4ANC
Feb 12, 2005
Fairborn, OH
Sounds Good!

After browsing thru the online manual and the EZ Scan software I already see what I can do and where I can go with this. Say I'm at home, I can set each surrounding county's systems in a separate Scan Set, and in each Scanlist different agencies, fire, pd, ems, etc, and even put in a couple of my home dispatch channels (objects) repeated in each Scan Set, repeated in all of them if I want to. I hope I'm understanding this right, it sounds like I may be able to customize my scanner even more than before. I see you can prioritize any Object (channel or freq) that you want, right? Can't wait to get my hands on it now.

Thanks for your replies!



RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Yes, when you program a channel you can select what scan list you want it is, and it can be in more than one. You are correct. And then the scan sets come into play as far as which scan lists are in each set.


Silent Key/KF4ANC
Feb 12, 2005
Fairborn, OH
Cool I like it already. The more I read, I will probably buy from Jeff from The Ham Station next door in Indiana, as I am hearing good things about this guy. Soon as the dust settles around the Christmas tree:)

Thanks again!



Jul 22, 2004
You are probably better off with the TRX-2. You can mount the main unit away from engine and radio interference, and just use the remote head nearby. It will probably work better on the road. I have had NO success with any hand held scanner on the highway, the 996T with the RH-96 is working well. Need the radio mounted away from the dash, and a metal case helps too.


Silent Key/KF4ANC
Feb 12, 2005
Fairborn, OH
I've always used a handheld scanner on the road, use the remote rubber ducky on the window and it's all I've ever needed. I use a hh because I like to take it with sometimes. I spend time in motels/hotels and its nice to take it in with a laptop and monitor the area. I use with a big exterior speaker so engine noise usually isn't an issue.


May 15, 2003
Portland, Oregon
A little too late, since you've already returned your 436, but that radio is excellent for travel when hooked up to a GPS puck. You don't have to push any buttons because the radio always knows where it is, and knows what systems to enable and disable as you drive along. I've used it on several long road trips and enjoyed the GPS feature a lot. As far as your local simulcast system, it's possible the TRX-1 will do better with it than the 436, but it might just as easily be worse. So far I have not had good results on my local simulcast p25 system with my TRX-2, and I've been trying very hard to make it work. And that's a home installation with an 800 MHz Yagi. My Unidens do better on that system but aren't perfect either. If you want a good portable scanner for simulcast it's hard to beat a Unication G4 or G5 pager. They're commercial quality and expensive, but actually work well wiith simulcast, even while mobile. It's what they're designed for. They lack the near limitless programming capacity of the Unidens and Whistlers, so probably not ideal for long road trips, but for around town monitoring a single p25 Phase I system the Unication is great.

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