Data files
You can populate the DSDPlus.networks file with the network IDs and
network names for NEXEDGE, Connect Plus and Tier III trunking systems.
DSD+ will display the network names when those networks are monitored.
You can add or edit network entries in this file while DSD+ is running.
The names for each site on a network can be stored in this file.
Some non-networked DMR systems also broadcast system IDs,
so entries for them can also be added to this file.
DSD+ will use the contents of this file to display the name of the
currently monitored site as well as the names of sites in neighbor lists.
You can add or edit site entries in this file while DSD+ is running.
DSD+ will auto-populate this file with every group ID that is seen.
You can edit this file while DSD+ is running and add names/aliases to
group records.
DSD+ will auto-populate this file with every radio ID that is seen.
You can edit this file while DSD+ is running and add names/aliases to
radio records. This file replaces the DSDPlus.aliases file; if you
already have a large aliases file, you can use a text editor's
search/replace functionality to convert the contents of your aliases file
to match the format used in the radios file.
Radio aliases are auto-generated on NEXEDGE systems. DSD+ marks auto-generated
NEXEDGE radio aliases in the DSDPlus.radios file by prepending an asterisk like so:
NEXEDGE, ... yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm, *"aliastext"
If you edit a NEXEDGE alias, you must remove the asterisk; this tells DSD+ that
the new alias text is NOT auto-generated and DSD+ will not replace it with OTA alias text.
DSD+ uses this file to display frequency information when DSD+ is monitoring
a rest channel or control channel. The frequency records will also be
used to control channel steering for trunked voice following.
DSD+ uses two channel numbers for each DMR RF channel:
Channel #1 = first RF channel, timeslot 1
Channel #2 = first RF channel, timeslot 2
Channel #3 = second RF channel, timeslot 1
Channel #4 = second RF channel, timeslot 2
Channel #5 = third RF channel, timeslot 1
Channel #6 = third RF channel, timeslot 2
For all DMR systems (DMR, Cap+, Con+, TIII), only one channel record has
to be added to the DSDPlus.frequencies file for each RF channel.
You can use the channel number that corresponds to timeslot 1 or 2 and
DSD+ will use the same frequency information for the other timeslot.
All of the records in these data files have a protocol field;
DSD+ recognizes the following protocol name strings:
DMR TIII handling