I installed the Osmocom version over 2 years ago and want to update it. I believe these are the right commands:
cd op25
git pull
For the record, rebuild.sh is a part of the Boatbod OP25 suite and does not exist as part of the current Osmocom repository.
But running git pull gives an error:
View attachment 174911
It appears from the list of python applications bombing out that your Osmocom build is perhaps from the previous version that existed
prior June 2021 when a completely new version was released. It this truly is the case, then you'll either need to start with a fresh VM
or perform a complete uninstallation of op25 and start over.
Before proceeding with a fresh build, determine the GNU Radio version that is/will be installed on your Linux distro.
app list | grep gnuradio-dev See example output below.
(1) gnuradio-dev/focal,now amd64
(2) gnuradio-dev/jammy,now amd64
Carefully read and understand the README, README-gr3.9, and README-gr3.8.patch files outlining instructions pertaining to the
correct procedures for your installed GNU Radio version. Play close attention to terminal output as op25 builds for important steps or
installation options. Once the build is complete, go to the /apps folder and review README-July-2021.