try searching while near the airport
Unfortunately, Midway Airport is not listed.
Unfortunately, Midway Airport is not listed.
Another thing to keep in mind is that they use simplex a lot more than repeaters. VHF handhelds have very poor propagation. You will need to be within less than a mile to hear handhelds, and less than a few hundred feet for close call hits.
I did check a few airports:
Very little activity was on 172.900. Most used simplex. Everything was VHF P25 and encrypted. You have to be close in to even receive anything, but it's encrypted so it is irrelevant.
I did check a few airports:
Very little activity was on 172.900. Most used simplex. Everything was VHF P25 and encrypted. You have to be close in to even receive anything, but it's encrypted so it is irrelevant.
***Sings the Hallelujah Chorus to that one!" Our DB, Forums, and Wiki are not just about what you can hear, they are full on about the information. Is it in use? Then we need to list it. Has it stopped being used, again, it needs put out there. It changed? Again..... There is no way in heck you can monitor TETRA.... Or OpenSKY.... But it is in use.... (OpenSKY going away but still in use...)Just because it is/was ENC, the notation and reporting of it, is a significant aspect to Monitoring.
Correct. You can get VHF HT's in the 5 mile ranges on high power settings on most HT's. 2 miles on low power. The mobile in car radios up to 10 miles. And yes, there are a few places where TSA does use mobiles. Especially the bigger airports, multi airport complexes, and Ports.IMGO - no
Midway Airport TSA stopped using their 172.15 frequency some time ago and I've been searching the bands looking for them. I just went through on a trip and noticed they still are using radios but couldn't get close enough to see type of radios. Added all the known TSA frequencies in conventionally to see if I have any hits, which I haven't yet. Nothing even locally encrypted in the Federal bands around me. Anything else they might be using?
Unfortunately, Midway Airport is not listed.
I understand that, @werinshades, but it gives you an idea of where to look based on patterns of use at other airports. RDU wasn't listed until I used his list to search outside the box and searched for hours before finding it. Also, must of TSA is now P25.
Yes..previously TSA used 172.9 and 172.15 NAC 001 for both. I've been searching the federal bands looking for them without success.
Midway Airport TSA recently came back on line: 172.150 (NAC 1A2). This is the third time the NAC code has changed. I previously left it in search mode but as of this weekend, it has come back to life. Illinois Database Administrator updated too.
What other NAC had they used besides the original $001 ??
C001, C002 and now 1A2. Also used 172.900 C001.
Thanks, had never heard them on $002 for Midway on 172.1500, only $001 and the $1A2 that they moved to about 2 yrs ago
The 1A2 is new here. Previously C002 was used on 172.150. Heard them on a Saturday with normal operations, then on a Sunday went quiet. As I posted, searched high and low without luck. Programmed in "known" TSA frequencies in conventional mode in the event they switched. In the past month, started hearing radio checks on 172.150 (NAC 1A2) which caught me by surprise. Programmed in P25 One Frequency trunk to catch radio ID's and they are the same as previous usage (775xxx). Have been hearing normal operating traffic in the past week.
A "possible" explanation is they are reconstructing the entire TSA check point area (Expected to be completed Spring of 2020). I was thinking they had to disable and remove the repeaters temporarily for construction purposes? Just an educated or uneducated guess![]()
Went back thru my notes and need to refine my time frame from 2 yrs to 3 yrs ago
Midway had been using $1A2 since atleast Oct 2016 [when I first caught them] on 172.1500
and I think other FEDCOMMERS had them begining in July 2015/2016
TSA has been refarming out the channels for sometime now, so KNOWN is very subject to change
Something changed for sure. I just found my old file and here's what I have: 172.900 (C01) was used initially with Radio ID's 775xxx series. They switched to 172.150 (C02) was used until recently for TSA with Radio ID's 775xxx series. Now as reported, it's 172.150 (1A2). I don't doubt your findings but it has been updated and I submitted the current information.
?? did you mean $001 and $002 for TSA
$C02 is Customs [now CBP] for the Metro Net [Wide-Area Vote Scan] and Airports with multiple sites
and have never seen $C01 for TSA in Chicago
Guess should give these a try 172.1500 and 172.900 and from what see at LVIA most of the agents are close to each other so how much radio traffic do they really have?