Unbelievable! Tulsa fire calls for tpd for a wreck at 51 and lewis, fire is afraid they may get hit cause they are in a bad spot and all lanes are blocked and there could easily be another accident. about 5 minutes later dispatch on 7g heres 2 cars go 10-8 and then asks for a volunteer to assist fire at 51 and lewis. the call goes unanswered, a car checks out at booking and the dispatcher never assigns a car to the wreck. about 15 minutes later fire asks for tpd's status and advises wreckers are on scene waiting to tow vehicles, dispatcher says "we asked for a volunteer and no one wanted to volunteer" fire then advises that both parties are arguing about who caused the wreck and that they need tpd. same as before, dispatch asks for a volunteer and no officers come on to go so it goes unassigned. finally tfd asks what the deal is and tfd dispatch says again, no volunteer. so tfd engine co advises that alcohol is a factor what do we do? just release everyone from the scene? i turned the scanner off at this point. what the hell is wrong with dispatch? there were cars 10-8, why not assign one to the wreck? or get someone from another side of town?