Does anyone have a link to a tutorial video of how to properly set up a broadcastify feed? I want to purchase an SDS200 and a cheap computer to provide a feed of my area's P25 system but I cannot find a helpful instructional video anywhere.
Perhaps everything you're not asking for here from me:
- only a bit of experience streaming from a scanner
- also rather limited experience setting up a Bcfy stream.
- no video
But I do a bunch of SDR streaming, including a some in Contra Costa (and GGBHTD). So if you don't come up with something better, please feel free to DM and we could probably get something going.
If you decide on a Raspberry Pi to stream, you can use the Broadcastify image which would be an easy setup. Here is a video on how to do it. The image will also allow you to use the Broadcastify Calls platform.
Here is an alternate version of running Darkice streamer on the Raspberry Pi. You will have to download an operating system prior to using Darkice. Raspberry Pi Darkice streaming made easy