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Sep 16, 2007
Early, TX
commercial two-way radio dealer/vehicle installations and OEM technical support, MaxTracker sounds like you know quite a lot about radio systems. some of the information about our radio system comes from RadioReference and my hand held frequency counter, we are usually told very little about this stuff. The radio "tech" said these were narrow band radio's and we were already licensed on these frequencies. Each county in this district has it's own repeater. There is a talk around button that bypasses the repeater with a different tone, but I do not know what the different tone is. I beleive we can operate on DOT-1 channel but it is only truck to truck. However nothing is set in stone and is subject to change, many changes already made and many more to come I am told. It is hard to tell what type of radio's if any we will be using even a year from now. kfred.


Feb 24, 2001
Glad to help, but I am limited some in what I can do cause of security of systems.

I bet the sand trucks are busy today... :)

However, RadioReference is a GREAT!!!!!! database and site and I have used it for years!!.

Actually most of the freqs in the database for TxDOT are pretty much correct. Better than some other lists I know of at times. :(

Right now I am trying to update my freqs for City of Austin system and Williamson county as they are in the middle of re-banding and Williamson county is about to fire up a new site in Florence and Caldwell county is bring up 2 sites around Lockhart.

Still working on those.

Take care...gotta go play in the snow...hehe.

You might check with some of these guys in here on Austin. The Cen-Tex crew is pretty sharp on what's happening down there. Russell, one of the Texas DB admins has it pretty much together as far as Austin/Travis and surrounding is concerned.

I understand the 'security' issues. No doubt!

Was in a hurry for time on the last post, but looking over your listing of Paris district I see how All of us had been a little off. We had Red River County with a 203.5 tone not the 136.5 tone you have shown. In fact I've never heard that tone used but then again the towers in Clarksville are difficult to hear.

We also had in the DB Lamar, Hopkins and Hunt with a County wide tone and a City tone and both were different. Is there any truth to some of those Counties having 2 channels or was that more bad monitoring and guessing?

Again, thanks for posting this up in here - it will sure help those of us who Scan Texas!


Feb 24, 2001
commercial two-way radio dealer/vehicle installations and OEM technical support, MaxTracker sounds like you know quite a lot about radio systems. some of the information about our radio system comes from RadioReference and my hand held frequency counter, we are usually told very little about this stuff. The radio "tech" said these were narrow band radio's and we were already licensed on these frequencies. Each county in this district has it's own repeater. There is a talk around button that bypasses the repeater with a different tone, but I do not know what the different tone is. I beleive we can operate on DOT-1 channel but it is only truck to truck. However nothing is set in stone and is subject to change, many changes already made and many more to come I am told. It is hard to tell what type of radio's if any we will be using even a year from now. kfred.

Kfred - thanks for your contribution too :) Nice to have some TXDOT folks in here these ex-TDCJ Officers in here can be tough sometimes, especially when they haven't had a good cup of State Coffee in a few weeks while Rough necking it ...


Jan 6, 2003
College Station, TX
Hearing p25 comms from the road checkers here in Bryan. NAC code 17. Freq 151.025
I didn't really see any reference of this (p25) in the db.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Kfred - thanks for your contribution too :) Nice to have some TXDOT folks in here these ex-TDCJ Officers in here can be tough sometimes, especially when they haven't had a good cup of State Coffee in a few weeks while Rough necking it ...

Actually, I have been frac-ing in the blowing snow today (hydraulic fracturing, look it up). I don't drink coffee either, but I am good as long as I get my morning Dr. Pepper 44oz at the local one stops. :)

On subject, nothing different heard here today. All the local TXDOT repeaters were active as hell, but no abnormal PL tones or anything were heard.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Hearing p25 comms from the road checkers here in Bryan. NAC code 17. Freq 151.025
I didn't really see any reference of this (p25) in the db.
Crap, now you got me interested. I reckon I will add the 151.025 and 151.055 to my scanner and go to work! Oh yeah, almost forgot 156.135.


Jan 6, 2003
College Station, TX
Crap, now you got me interested. I reckon I will add the 151.025 and 151.055 to my scanner and go to work! Oh yeah, almost forgot 156.135.

After further listening (on 151.025) I determined that I was/am hearing units up in Freestone Co. Obviously linked to as it is a local signal.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2010
Huntsville, Texas
Crap, now you got me interested. I reckon I will add the 151.025 and 151.055 to my scanner and go to work! Oh yeah, almost forgot 156.135.

Not going to hear much on 156.135. Used mostly as input. VERY sldom as output or simplex.

Hey, nothings better than a good cup of the TDC, low bid coffee. It will melt the spoon and put hair on your chest... :)

That stuff was 50-50 coffee and chickory.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2010
Huntsville, Texas
You might check with some of these guys in here on Austin. The Cen-Tex crew is pretty sharp on what's happening down there. Russell, one of the Texas DB admins has it pretty much together as far as Austin/Travis and surrounding is concerned.

I understand the 'security' issues. No doubt!

Was in a hurry for time on the last post, but looking over your listing of Paris district I see how All of us had been a little off. We had Red River County with a 203.5 tone not the 136.5 tone you have shown. In fact I've never heard that tone used but then again the towers in Clarksville are difficult to hear.

We also had in the DB Lamar, Hopkins and Hunt with a County wide tone and a City tone and both were different. Is there any truth to some of those Counties having 2 channels or was that more bad monitoring and guessing?

Again, thanks for posting this up in here - it will sure help those of us who Scan Texas!


No problem... I double, double checked to see if anything had been changed since the codeplugs were first done. He sent me copies of his masters and what I posted is it.

Thats interesting how the scanning software was throwing different tones.

What would be the best software for the Uniden 996 series?

I have Butel, but it is kind strange.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas

No problem... I double, double checked to see if anything had been changed since the codeplugs were first done. He sent me copies of his masters and what I posted is it.

Thats interesting how the scanning software was throwing different tones.

What would be the best software for the Uniden 996 series?

I have Butel, but it is kind strange.

You do realize if you had the codeplugs for the other districts, you would pretty much be the end-all to making the TXDOT database page current and accurate, right?


Premium Subscriber
Nov 26, 2004
Sherman, TX
Not going to hear much on 156.135. Used mostly as input. VERY sldom as output or simplex.

Hey, nothings better than a good cup of the TDC, low bid coffee. It will melt the spoon and put hair on your chest... :)

That stuff was 50-50 coffee and chickory.

156.135 is used simplex in Grayson Co quite a bit. They now seem to have switched to 151.025 though. I've never heard anything on 151.055.


Feb 24, 2001
Actually, I have been frac-ing in the blowing snow today (hydraulic fracturing, look it up). I don't drink coffee either, but I am good as long as I get my morning Dr. Pepper 44oz at the local one stops. :)

On subject, nothing different heard here today. All the local TXDOT repeaters were active as hell, but no abnormal PL tones or anything were heard.

Oh I know what Fracking is ... They did that in Johnson County and caused several Earthquakes over it. Wow, Rattler, I'd have figured you more for a MJD guy not DP.

Interesting on the P25 hit in Freestone Co. I'm going to be down in Fairfield next weekend, I'll see what the 106 has to say and see if more frequencies are P25 down there.

Like Mike said 156.1350 was used heavily up here for Simplex Truck to truck and flag men (and women) I know in Collin Co. TXDOT Flag folks use FRS radio's ...


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Oh I know what Fracking is ... They did that in Johnson County and caused several Earthquakes over it. Wow, Rattler, I'd have figured you more for a MJD guy not DP.

No, Dr. Pepper is king. Period.

As for the earthquakes, they haven't pinned that to hydraulic fracturing. There is a fault line that way, and they have a pretty good argument so far, but no real answer yet. Fracking has been around since the 50's, and it is really the chemicals being pumped and the environmental complacency of some operators that is touching nerves with the environmentally minded public, so any reason to give fracking a black eye is a good reason now. But without it, there would be no natural gas production in the U.S. or almost anywhere else for that matter.

Anyhow, I am allowing the topic to stray, so I will jump back on track by saying that I have had 151.025, 151.055, and 156.135 in my scanner for two days now and haven't gotten a single hit. I'll keep 'em in there, though.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hamilton, Ontario
Oh I know what Fracking is ... They did that in Johnson County and caused several Earthquakes over it. Wow, Rattler, I'd have figured you more for a MJD guy not DP.

Interesting on the P25 hit in Freestone Co. I'm going to be down in Fairfield next weekend, I'll see what the 106 has to say and see if more frequencies are P25 down there.

Like Mike said 156.1350 was used heavily up here for Simplex Truck to truck and flag men (and women) I know in Collin Co. TXDOT Flag folks use FRS radio's ...

Hmm FRS you say? I will have to keep an eye out for the Flag people when I am out and about.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 28, 2010
One thing for everyone to keep in mind: All too often, crews working on a state-maintained highway are automatically called "TxDot Crews". In many cases, these crews are contractors for TxDOT, not actual txdot employees. If you see a work convoy and every truck has txdot on the door, then those are obviously txdot crews. However, if you see one or two txdot vehicles and the rest of them don't look like txdot trucks, chances are pretty darn high that they're just contractors and the txdot guys are inspectors. Those contractors use their own radios, sometimes LB, sometimes FRS, etc. Just keep that in mind when you mention that txdot uses FRS. I honestly cannot see that being accurate but then again stranger things have happened.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 26, 2004
Sherman, TX
One thing for everyone to keep in mind: All too often, crews working on a state-maintained highway are automatically called "TxDot Crews". In many cases, these crews are contractors for TxDOT, not actual txdot employees. If you see a work convoy and every truck has txdot on the door, then those are obviously txdot crews. However, if you see one or two txdot vehicles and the rest of them don't look like txdot trucks, chances are pretty darn high that they're just contractors and the txdot guys are inspectors. Those contractors use their own radios, sometimes LB, sometimes FRS, etc. Just keep that in mind when you mention that txdot uses FRS. I honestly cannot see that being accurate but then again stranger things have happened.

This is true in about 99% of the cases. The only time I've ever seen TXDOT providing traffic control is in cases of major accidents/incidents where they have to be called in by law enforcement for extra help. In most cases the contractors are using either FRS or CB's in their flagging .


Sep 16, 2007
Early, TX
flagging radio

The radio's we currently use are high band made by Icom. We used to use low band portables, they did not work very well. We were told we could not use FRS radio's. How ever we used contract flaggers that did. We were given some portable traffic signals for a temporary trial period. This ended the contract flagging. Then the signals were taken back, we were flagging again. Talking about buying some signals in the near future, still waiting, signals are expensive. kfred.


CenTex DBA
Jun 6, 2007
Hunter, TX
Caught 151.0550MHz in San Antonio in P25 (NAC 293), some 35XX units were called to work on a traffic signal at 1604 & Marbach.

Then within 1 minute was hearing analog voice on it again.
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