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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Understanding Encryption settings - Armada

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
I was asked by a few people, trying to understand how to set the ARC4 in Armada. This is just a help file paste, so an understanding of how it works is gained.

So say Agency A uses LID 1 and "0FFF" or just FFF
and agency B uses LID 1 and "F0F0F"
They want to use a tac channel together on a system for interoperability but scrambled, there will be a conflict between the two. They would be need to
have a new Code in order to communicate, with a matching LID and CODE.

*Yes this is an actual issue brought before me, Agency A (a big agency) wanted to talk to Agency B (small town) but their ARC4 codes both use LID 1 and code "x"
So the only way for Agency A to communicate with Agency B was to add another "talkgroup" and add another LID and code, then patch back to main channel.
Agency A LID 1 and code was their PRIMARY CODE
Agency B LID 1 and code was their PRIMARY CODE
Agency A can talk but only Agency A radios would hear the "A" radio traffic, while on Agency B channels, thus Agency B would not hear "A" traffic.
same goes for Agency B.
Thus only way to communicate, was in the clear basically. (issue has been addressed and fixed hereafter)

So in this little ditty, here is how to understand Armada and the Hardware / Software Key, and understanding not everyone needs to use LID 1, but it is a default
mindset of many, in my opinion, just to use 1 and be as it may be.

SCM BEING USED = SLN is used (ARC4 can be keyloaded using this if you have this activated!)
Software KEY being used only = PID is used

PID - This value, the Physical Identifier, is used for assigning a key in the code plug. This value is selected from a spin box in various encryption related sections of the code plug. This is a non-editable field in the table . The value is dependent on the Mode setting under Global tab, General Options sub tab in the Encryption group. If Mode is set to SLN (CKR), then the PID numbering goes from 1-126. If Mode is set to PID (ASN), then the PID numbering goes from 0-125.

LID - The Logical Identifier, sometimes called a key ID, is an ID for the Software Key that is sent by the transmitting radio to specify which key is to be used by the receiver. For two radios to use encryption they both need a matching key with matching LIDs. A value 0-65,535 can be assigned.

Key - The key value is the encryption key. The Key is a 10 character Hex value. If less than 10 characters are used, zeroes will be padded on the left hand side of the key to make it 10 characters.

Alias - An alias can be assigned to a key to aid in managing the key. A key can be 12 ASCII characters long.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2022
One of the best things to do it also figure out who in your state handles CKR/KID coordination. Makes things alot easier to prevent agencies from duplicating CKR/KID. Thus this prevents the conflicts with loading into other agency devices.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
Just a second note, some "places" also are using LID 0 which can be a headache as well, where PID is limited to 1-126..
That can cause brain hemorrhages too.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
Want to clarify this note:
(SCM USED) If Mode is set to SLN (CKR), then the PID numbering goes from 1-126.
(SOFTKEY USED) If Mode is set to PID (ASN), then the PID numbering goes from 0-125.

Pointed out to me in a private message, there was some confusion.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 14, 2002
One of the best things to do it also figure out who in your state handles CKR/KID coordination. Makes things a lot easier to prevent agencies from duplicating CKR/KID. Thus this prevents the conflicts with loading into other agency devices.
@RichTyler While this is a very VALID and good point, the smaller lower budget "agencies" may not have that kind of information by way of the local radio "source". Thus this would then start the ball of why do you need to know and so on.
Very true, a centralized CKR / LID / PID say at the state level would be nice. Truth be told, how many people have called such an "Agency" and been able to get said information without knowing who is who where within the rank and file, and, are they willing to talk about it, share, or even give information, let alone maintain such a database.

This COULD leave "the dealer / Radio Source" no path other than making up the key and information on their own.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2022
This is true. Texas started doing this many years ago. The lack of knowledge is the biggest issue we saw with the the local radio "source" just implementing instead of doing research which also included taking to surrounding MA counties/agencies or radii shops to see if they were capable of it and how they went on implementing with the most ease.

When we need a CKR/KID range its coordinated at state level and the shop creates the KDI. Each state is given a range of KID/CKRs coordinated by feds.
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