Understanding the Psychology and Ethics Behind Posting False Information for Responses


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
Ya social engineering, it is a interesting topic.
My preferred method is starting from the information I have extrapolate and start a casual conversation with the peoples in the know. They are more willing to share if they think you are also in the know.

This thread actually reminds me of some CIA stuff I learned about. HAHA


Premium Subscriber
Apr 28, 2016
Nankin Township Michigan
As far as other social media sites, what follows may not apply:

But here on RR I think there are more than a handful of users that don't have good reading comprehension. Their replies seem to indicate they really didn't understand what they just read.

I've seen so many times where an OP post a query, it's followed by a dozen replies that didn't comprehend what the question was. Then the OP will come back and try to explain what they are asking. That's followed by another half dozen replies that still failed to discern the question. It's not until 20 replies into the thread before someone pops in and has to explain "Hey Big Dummies Walking here's what they are asking".

And there is another group, more than a few, that just don't know the answer but can't scroll on without posting a guess. Which of course is inaccurate and/or incorrect.


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Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
It is a human characteristic to view questions from within the individual responder’s environment and experience and sometimes this does come across as non-comprehension..this is not an excuse since there are some that do not understand or do not take the time to review other’s answers or are just lazy.

Also, the OP sometimes is not clear on their question and can need to clarify.
I have no problem with people making a guess as along as they say that since forums are conversations and conversations can include guesses.

All of the above again is no excuse for some people’s behavior, but I do know we have a majority of very intelligent and helpful people in these forums and without them, the forums and this hobby would not be where it is today. We may not always agree with everyone, but I can certainly tolerate them to get to the helpful information. Fortunately they are definitely a small number.


Jul 2, 2012
As far as other social media sites, what follows may not apply:

But here on RR I think there are more than a handful of users that don't have good reading comprehension. Their replies seem to indicate they really didn't understand what they just read.

I don't think that is just an issue on here...

I am a member of one of the most popular technology forums in Australia and often read posts along these lines:
"I have a Samsung Pro 22 phone, what case is best"
90% of the time, there will be replies along the lines of "buy an iPhone" or something like that.

Often the question will not be answered, but solutions and suggestions that are well outside the scope of the issue. One I saw the other week was someone asking For a plumber, the response was to move house....


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
I don't think that is just an issue on here...

I am a member of one of the most popular technology forums in Australia and often read posts along these lines:
"I have a Samsung Pro 22 phone, what case is best"
90% of the time, there will be replies along the lines of "buy an iPhone" or something like that.

Often the question will not be answered, but solutions and suggestions that are well outside the scope of the issue. One I saw the other week was someone asking For a plumber, the response was to move house....
Yes, agreed 100%, but hopefully in the minority…I have an iPhone and case📲
Should I buy a toaster❔🙄. At least we can joke about it 😃


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
As far as other social media sites, what follows may not apply:

But here on RR I think there are more than a handful of users that don't have good reading comprehension. Their replies seem to indicate they really didn't understand what they just read.

I've seen so many times where an OP post a query, it's followed by a dozen replies that didn't comprehend what the question was. Then the OP will come back and try to explain what they are asking. That's followed by another half dozen replies that still failed to discern the question. It's not until 20 replies into the thread before someone pops in and has to explain "Hey Big Dummies Walking here's what they are asking".

And there is another group, more than a few, that just don't know the answer but can't scroll on without posting a guess. Which of course is inaccurate and/or incorrect.

Yep, I see this across many different forums across the Internet. Low IQ bipedal chimps are everywhere it seems. Heck, I don't even have a firm command on the freaking English language, yet sometimes I see people's post's that are so hard to read I'm like, "where the hell did you go to school?" Obviously, Pink Floyd is their favorite singer... "We don't need no education." Bloody right? Double negative. LOL


You can actually quantify this by knowing what the catalyst is. And that is the media and politicians... But I'll won't get into that here.

Man is a wove to man. And the menticide is ever present. The ruling class are the smart ones. Those that follow are the 9 to 5 knuckle draggers. Harsh reality that people need to know. Take the red pill... (The Wikipedia entry on red pill v. blue pill is an absolute travesty full of biases in of themselves). Well, Wikipedia is nothing but self-praise, circle jerk reference procurement meant to somehow validate the "idiot intellectual."

Anyway, I digress...
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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
Yep, I see this across many different forums across the Internet. Low IQ bipedal chimps are everywhere it seems. Heck, I don't even have a firm command on the freaking English language, yet sometimes I see people's post's that are so hard to read I'm like, "where the hell did you go to school?" Obviously, Pink Floyd is their favorite singer... "We don't need no education." Bloody right? Double negative. LOL


You can actually quantify this by knowing what the catalyst is. And that is the media and politicians... But I'll won't get into that here.

Man is a wove to man. And the menticide is ever present. The ruling class are the smart ones. Those that follow are the 9 to 5 knuckle draggers. Harsh reality that people need to know. Take the red pill... (The Wikipedia entry on red pill v. blue pill is an absolute travesty full of biases in of themselves). Well, Wikipedia is nothing but self-praise, circle jerk reference procurement meant to somehow validate the "idiot intellectual."

Anyway, I digress...
Maybe a little strong❔😵‍💫😉. Just kidding… All those words and I don’t understand them all and my IQ is above zero😀. Just curious,, what is a bimedal chimp!?🦧


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
HAHA What is a bipedal chimp? Why, that which was about 4' tall and walked on two legs (bipedal) and today consumes the menticidal media and votes, and drives, and consumes and is the basis of causality for the effects of the good, the bad and the ugly... Philosophically speaking.

Harsh? I suppose so, but the truth can hurt I guess.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
My brain is hurting🧠😃 However, what you say is quite interesting and does keep me thinking…thanks.


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
Believe it or not, brains don't have pain receptors. :D The skin covering your skull does however.
