Using a BC125AT with DSDPlus.

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Jul 13, 2022
East Bridgewater
I am new to all the scanner stuff and was wondering how to do this stuff, I plugged in using a jack from the scanner to the PC Blue line, it picks up audio in DSD but never does anything back, no idea what do to next. Most tutorials are on SDR stuff, thank you.


Dec 19, 2005
DSDPlus needs a discriminator tap to work with a scanner, it won't work with the unfiltered audio straight from the audio jack. If you know what you're doing and fancy taking the scanner apart, here's how to add a disc tap:


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Using the normal volume setting on the scanner, adjust the level in Windows input level to make it at about a 80% fill in the oscilloscope window of DSDPlus. When you receive a DMR signal you hit the R key on your keyboard and it will record the audio. After 3 sec you can hit R again to stop to record. In the DSDPlus folder there will be a wav file created. Rename that to something more simple like Raw.wav

Start a command window by starting cmd.exe and in that window go to the DSDPlus folder by using the CD command. If you have it on the D: drive then first type D: and then hit enter. Then do CD D:\DSDPlus and hit enter. If you have DSDPlus in a folder that has a space in its name like in Program Files then you'll need to have it inside double quotes CD C:\"Program Files\DSDPlus"

Fetch the DSDtune.exe program and run that in the command window. The -i parameter should include the file name -i Raw.wav and you can also add -fr to force it to DMR and not to autodetect. Also add a -b parameter followed by a space and a name for a start file, perhaps dsdtune.exe -i raw.wav -b BC125.bat

It will run for a couple of minutes to set tuning parameters to fit the signal. When done you edit the BC125.bat file and add what input and output device you use by the -i and -o parameters and you can then save and start that file to start decoding. The bat file could be looking something like this:

@Echo off
REM : batch file created with dsdtune utility on Sun Oct 29 11:29:26 2023
dsdplus.exe -i3 -o1 -fr -dr2 -dh2 -ds69 -dd19 -dv20

It works somewhat, not perfect, from the earphone jack from some scanners and not at all from others.



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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Is that a new ver. of dsdtune? I thought that it needed to be updated work
I had what's listed on the releases page going about 7 months ago.

I am new to all the scanner stuff and was wondering how to do this stuff,

picks up audio in DSD but never does anything back,

What version of DSD do you have and what are you looking to do? If you have DSDPlus FastLane, might be easier to grab a sdr donge for 30 bucks and use the tuner that comes in the FastLane version. You would be able to follow trunked systems. I am not sure if trunked can be followed with a scanner using a disc tap.
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