This have probably been asked hundreds of times before, but i donated for the paid version of dsd+ as well after reddit confirmed it was better and less painful to get working, but i still just run into issues getting it to run.
i have 3 different dongles, 2 of them could big chance be fake. but the 3th and latest dongle i bough i have is directly from sdr, i have a disconne antenna and a LNA convertor and raspberry pi as well, but everytime i try to run dsd+ fast lane it keeps asking me for my airspy serial number.
when i check the serial number it keep telling me 0000001, is there something im missing here or why wont it work?
SDR is a new hobby for me so im not a expert on it either so im not sure what the problem is as i cant find much answers when i google other then the same answers ive already tried. but after playing around with frequencys and signals in sdrsharp i want to learn it deeper like decoding