769.45625 - 770.91875 = 1.4625 MHz
773.06875 - 774.78125 = 1.7125 MHz
2.048 msps doesn't give you a lot of buffer in the 773-775 block. The dongle could easily get re-centered to a frequency that puts 774.78125 on the fringe where coverage drops off, degrading decoding. I would stick with 2.4 msps for this site to be safe.
Get rid of the third dongle, set each of the two remaining dongles to 2.4 msps, then create two dummy channels for each dongle as detailed below:
For dongle one (covering 769.45625 - 770.91875)
- Assign this tuner as the Preferred Tuner for your existing Albuquerque Simulcast channel definition, since all of the control channels are in this block
- Create a P25 Phase I channel on 769.05 with 0 Max Traffic Channels and Ignore Data Calls enabled, and set it to prefer this tuner
- Create a second P25 Phase I channel on 771.25, same parameters as above
For dongle two (covering 773.06875 - 774.78125)
- Create a P25 Phase I channel on 772.85, same as above
- Create a P25 Phase I channel on 775.05, same as above
- Assign both of those to the second dongle as the Preferred Tuner
The net effect of doing this is that you are essentially forcing each dongle to focus on the spectrum between each of those two sets of dummy frequencies. Since those dummy channels are set to ignore all traffic, they serve no purpose other than to provide lower and upper limits for each dongle to prevent re-tuning.
773.06875 - 774.78125 = 1.7125 MHz
2.048 msps doesn't give you a lot of buffer in the 773-775 block. The dongle could easily get re-centered to a frequency that puts 774.78125 on the fringe where coverage drops off, degrading decoding. I would stick with 2.4 msps for this site to be safe.
Get rid of the third dongle, set each of the two remaining dongles to 2.4 msps, then create two dummy channels for each dongle as detailed below:
For dongle one (covering 769.45625 - 770.91875)
- Assign this tuner as the Preferred Tuner for your existing Albuquerque Simulcast channel definition, since all of the control channels are in this block
- Create a P25 Phase I channel on 769.05 with 0 Max Traffic Channels and Ignore Data Calls enabled, and set it to prefer this tuner
- Create a second P25 Phase I channel on 771.25, same parameters as above
For dongle two (covering 773.06875 - 774.78125)
- Create a P25 Phase I channel on 772.85, same as above
- Create a P25 Phase I channel on 775.05, same as above
- Assign both of those to the second dongle as the Preferred Tuner
The net effect of doing this is that you are essentially forcing each dongle to focus on the spectrum between each of those two sets of dummy frequencies. Since those dummy channels are set to ignore all traffic, they serve no purpose other than to provide lower and upper limits for each dongle to prevent re-tuning.