UVM P25 encrypted heard

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 7, 2008
SLC, UT (1300E)
Monitored this evening from South Burlington, around 2215 hours, 453.050, NAC $656, approx. one minute conversation.

Unfortunately this seems like a trend in the Champlain Valley. I thought I heard of UVM running encrypted in the past but maybe its just my imagination.

Burlington still encrypted? I'd assume so.

If you live up there full time, keep us updated. The Burlington police chief was running his mouth in the newspaper a few months ago about many agencies going P25 ENC, countywide.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 7, 2008
SLC, UT (1300E)
Yes, as of a few days ago, I am hearing UVM encrypted all the time, and South Burlington about 90% of the time.

This sucks, I sure as heck hope it does not become an out of control trend.

Whatever VSP decides to do ultimately will be telling. I always hear rumblings of a new system and I believe apps for licenses are out. Afraid Williston Headquarters and Burlington PD might talk to each other a little too much and they could be on the same page RE ENC. VSP decisions are being made in the same area all the ENC seems to be starting up, the only populated area of VT.

Lets just hope state stays in the clear and those that go digital do so NH style.


Aug 15, 2006
Norther Vermont
South Burlington and UVM encrypted?

Yes, as of a few days ago, I am hearing UVM encrypted all the time, and South Burlington about 90% of the time.

Not sure what you are hearing on 453.050 that is UVM Police/ other university services including shuttle buses, but as of last night I have been hearing them fine. I don't listen often, because they spend more time locking and unlocking buildings and chasing alarms.

As for South Burlington being encrypted 90%? South Burlington has about 1/2 of there cruisers out fitted with digital radios and are slowing upgrading everything else. They do use digital every once and awhile for car to car, but not encrypted as I can hear them either way without a problem.

The area where I live lets me listen to pretty much anything in Chittenden, Lamoille, and Franklin Counties

Burlington PD is the bastard child of the county and does not play with others. It to bad that they are encrypted they were good to listen to on a friday night.

A lot of PD's in Chittenden and all of the PD's in Lamoille County received Home Land Security grants about 5 years ago for radio upgrades. The grant consisted of Motorola XTS5000 portables and XTl5000 mobiles. These radios are digital capable, but no one besides Burlington has spent the money to use encryption, but you can routinely hear law enforcement units in Lamoille County using digital for car to car


Once again for the newbies - digital is not encryption.


Feb 18, 2009
New England
Catching up with this thread...I haven't been posting here, I have been on the Vermont Scanner Yahoo Group. Just to clarify, I will repost here what I posted there, edited slightly:

I do not reside anywhere near the Burlington area, and my monitoring
happens at night or early morning when I am driving to and from work, using my
PRO106. I do not do much monitoring from home these days. Thus, I am not sure if
the observations I have made would be the same all day long, or are generally
only at night.

Within the past week or so, I have logged UVM using P25 with encryption almost
exclusively. Prior to this, I had not even logged one instance of P25, let alone
encryption. The other night I heard a couple transmissions P25 "in the clear"
(not encrypted), but otherwise it has been P25 and encrypted all the time.

I have heard SBPD almost exclusively P25 encrypted for most of the past week or
so, however the other night their dispatch was running analog in the clear,
while I believe all of the mobiles were P25 encrypted. I have never heard them
using P25 without encryption.

The UVM NAC is $656; the SBPD is $293.

Almost forgot to say, the freqs are:

460.175R for SBPD
453.050R for UVM

The other night I observed that SBPD had dispatch analog in the clear, and some
mobiles the same, however at least one mobile analog encrypted. I had only heard
the encryption used with P25 mode before this instance.
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