Please let me layout why I am making that statement. I have owned the radio for about 3 months. I am not new to programming or using radios. I am a BSEE who has 30+years experience in RF, satellites, broadcasting, etc. I have been a radio hobbiest/amateur for 40+ years. So I believe I am accustomed to working with complex things and know how to do proper testing.
My dissatisfaction is with the DMR performance of the radio as that is the main reason I bought it. I did not expect the radio to perform well with P25 Ph II for all the known issues with either brand in that mode.
In DMR mode the radio has NEVER fully received on going transmissions. It will catch a few fragments of a conversation here and there. It has an annoying habit of seeming like it wants to decode something because it will make low level white noise from the speaker and thumps as if it is on a signal. When looking at the RSSI meter, it maybe as high as full scale, but still no audio from the speaker. (on a few occasions, when this occurs their seems to be audio recorded. This is known because I went back and reviewed the data in the radio.) It can sit there for hours receiving nothing while a $100 TYT MD-380 is unmuted and receiving comms. I have tried this with recording disabled or enabled. Same result
I have tried different antennae, outside antenna, portable antenna, mobile antenna. I have adjusted the DSP levels in the software.
About all it will seem to receive is NOAA WX radio. It does a so-so job on the county SMARTZONE system (Frankly, my old Uniden 785 does a better job of tracking the system).
I was very surprised since it seemed to have good reviews by others. Maybe I got a bad unit, but it was and is a waste of money since the radio sits on the table more then gets used due to the lack of performance.