For Gainesville, Florida VA Medical Center:
On Thursday (October 21st), I observed the uniformed VA Police and contract security handling the external preparations (e.g., traffic control) for the Gainesville, Florida VAMC's disaster drill. The Securitas cops had FRS radios. The uniformed police officers had Motorola VHF & FRS radios. Thanks to some loud speakermics, I was able to directly listen to a bit of the drill and noted two separate nets in operation.
Getting back to my vehicle, I found these frequencies and tones (ALL analog):
162.2125 (PL 179.9) paired with 166.1375 (PL 97.4) = "Command" channel; medical triage/command
163.0875 paired with 172.6875 (both with PL 146.2) = "Operations" channel
I never could discover the FRS frequency, but they were clearly being used by VA Police.