I have the UHF version of the Sirio ground plane and can say its a very clever design. Its more than a fat monopole over ground radials and it has some a fancy matching network down inside the hollow vertical element. From what I've seen Sirio makes very high quality and innovative antennas.
I didn't make any claims to it being a 'high performance' antenna. However as prcguy mentioned in post #13:
"Commercial ground plane antennas marketed for VHF air band use a very fat vertical radiator upwards of 1.5" dia or more. These will have a great match across 118-136Mhz."
The vertical radiator on the Sirio is 2-3/8" in diameter. There may be a little more to it than meets the eye. The Vertical radiator is also hollow, and has two screws at the top that allow it to be removed from the rest of the antenna, almost like an upside down can. Internally there is also two brass vertical elements with what appears as some kind of tuning mechanism near the base that bridges across the two, but not as a dead short. I won't pretend to understand the design. All I know is it works great! When I get the time, I'll dismantle it and try to post some pictures of its internal design.
Top view showing the two screws for disassembly: