Firefighter Paramedics are just that. Firefighters first. To be a firefighter in California today you must be sharp in plenty of very different disciplines, and adding all of the ALS stuff just adds a mass of skills to suffer when he is learning something that seems cool in his RS/2 class or some new technique for PPV. I have worked with both BLS and ALS departments, and the BLS ones have guys who are sharp with their EMT skills and good firefighters; and the ALS departments either have good firefighters who do things like starting an IV for you and not having a full assessment, or are excellent paramedics, good firefighters, and do not do much more than a bit of firefighting and a bunch of medical stuff.
How is the county takeover working out for the city? Have response times improved? Are the resuscitation stats improving?
How is the county takeover working out for the city? Have response times improved? Are the resuscitation stats improving?