rescue161 said:Digital is fine for fire ground ops.
The problem comes into play when they are using a trunking system. Why in the World would you want to run your FG ops through a repeater/trunking system when you're talking to fire team members that are a few feet away or to the Command Post that is right outside???
Back before digital, we NEVER ran our FG ops through a repeater - ever. It was always on a single frequency for transmit and receive.
Switch to a conventional (non-repeater) channel for FG ops. The Command Post can relay info on the TRS if the need arises.
I'll give you one reason - so that everything can be recorded by dispatch. Our fire dept. got a grant that put our whole county on a trunked system for interoperability. After 6 months, they went back to conventional VHF because they weren't satisfied with the in-building coverage. They wanted everything going through the repeater so that everyone was listening and so that it would be recorded and monitored by dispatch. They had some issues on a structure fire where the audio was garbled and unreadable on the TRS. Standard simplex channels were put in all the TRS portables for FG ops but they didn't want to use these as this defeated their whole purpose for the TRS, which was the emergency button. Very stupid in my opinion, but that's why I'm not on the FD. So now they no longer use the TRS and we have less interoperability than before when we were at least all on VHF. Now law enforcement and EMS are on trunked and FD is on VHF. Kind of ironic if you ask me. They still have to use simplex on some fire scenes because of coverage issues on VHF. Yet I'm able to go into that same building on my trunked radio and get out just fine.