So here's what's been consistently on the Washington County area UCAN system. My radios at home & in the car are set to search mode on UCAN, so I shouldn't be missing-out on any TG activity, and I hear all three major sites very well from the home, car & handheld.
4832 -- UHP Car/car
49664 – UHP Cedar
49696 – UHP Cedar, Virgin Area Dispatch
*49888 – SGPD 4
*50016 – Washington SO Dispatch
*50048 – East Law (Hurricane & Washington City PDs)
*50080 – SGFD 1 (SG, Santa Clara, et al FDs)
* denotes TG is merely rebroadcasting the agency's VHF repeater channel.
For 4832, I'm just hearing UHP Virgin Area car/car traffic on it, not car/car comms from other parts of the state, so the TG must be set up to not rebroadcast activity statewide. 4832 is the only TG that's 1005 800MHz UCAN & not rebroadcasting the VHF channels. 49664 & 49696 is a mixture of some UHP & perhaps AP&P, DNR, etc. using 800MHz & others on the older VHF repeaters. All the other TGs except LifeFlight are simply rebroadcasting the VHF repeaters they're linked with.
There is also a LifeFlight P25 secure TG in use. I assume that Dixie Regional Hospital's comm center has had a UCAN radio on the LifeFlight channel since UCAN became active down here, so that radio affiliates with Webb Hill, which in turn broadcasts all the traffic on that TG. I don;t know right now which TG that is, as the Uniden XT scanners that I have only stop on it for a split second then go back to scanning/searching once they realize it is an encrypted TG. I'll manually camp out on some of them, just so I can ID which TG it is.
Other than that, I've occasionally get the UCAN Engineers TGs, and had one or two Salt Lake & other county public safety TGs become active down in the past, probably the system engineers wanting to test one of the locals sites for a while. I doubt it was a radio from up there affiliating down here while someone was at a conference or something, unless they left their radio on 24/7.
I downloaded & installed the latest UniTrunker software, but it doesn't seem to want to communicate with my BC-396XT.
The new LifeFlight helo based at Dixie Regional Medical Center in StG becomes operational this Friday, covering a 5-county area as far N as Beaver, plus some communities across the AZ & NV borders.