Early this morning (arround 1 am), SPVM were looking for 2 suspects in a park. I could hear the regular police comm (between officers and dispatcher) but at some point, I was able to hear the conversation that the 911 operator and the 911 caller were having on top of the regular p/o - dispatcher comm.
I found that quite interesting! It was like the 911 caller/operator were « conferenced » with the dispatcher. I was able to hear the 4 sides of the conversation. It's the first time I hear this. Was is a button that the dispatcher accidently pushed or is that done in Montréal? Why?
I found that quite interesting! It was like the 911 caller/operator were « conferenced » with the dispatcher. I was able to hear the 4 sides of the conversation. It's the first time I hear this. Was is a button that the dispatcher accidently pushed or is that done in Montréal? Why?