As I was setting up my computer to record the audio from the scanner, I noticed the sound changed dramatically to something entirely different. Since I haven't totally discredited the possibility of local interference, I started looking around to see if any of the devices in my house are doing anything different. Turned off the computer...nope. Turned off the TV...nope. Unplugged all charging devices...nope. Turned off lights (fluorescent)...nope. Then I noticed my DVR was recording something...hmmmmmm.
So I grabbed the remote and stopped the DVR...sound changed! Turned off the DVR...sound gone!
Remember I said I took my radio to my parents house and heard the same thing? Well, they have the same DVR from Time Warner that I do. Gee, that would certainly explain it :lol:
In conclusion:
and I feel like a retard. At least I solved my own little mystery, heheh. Sorry for the wild goose chase everyone.
Oh, by the way, Weasel...do you happen to have a Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300HDC?