Any of the better level boatanchors will perform on about the same level. Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, National, Collins, etc.
Hammarlund, Hallicrafters, and National all had multiple levels of performance and cost point. From entry level to very good. National and Hallicrafters had the most diversity in selection, from very inexpensive to very good.
If you look at Hammarlunds specifically, the HQ-145X, HQ-180, or SP-600 are very good radios. The SP-600 is the better of those, but also the more expensive for equivalent condition. The HQ-180 is very good at a slightly better market price. Something like the HQ-100 or HQ-110 would be lower cost, and lower performance, but still pretty decent.
Hallicrafters have radios that are every bit as good as any Hammarlund. Things like the SX-28, SX-42, SX-71, SX-100, SX-88, SX-73, SX-122 etc. But they also have more lower end radios, like the S-38 or S-40.
However, unless you plan on doing your own maintenance I would avoid these kinds of radios. The last Hammarlund or Hallicrafters were made about 50 years ago. So that would be about the newest radio you would find. The average age of my Hammarlunds and Hallicrafters are about 70 years old.