I’ve been licensed less than a year but my interest is gaining and not decreasing. I got the Tech and General Class license at the same time and want to get an Extra Class by the end of the year. Enjoy DXing even with 100 watts and a wire, did that ISS SSTV deal a few months ago, occasionally like to join in local UHF/VHF nets, been slowly learning Morse code, etc.. I recently did a nationwide QSO contest and finished 1st in TX and 8th overall. Did the recent ARRL DX phone contest and finally reached Japan on SSB along with about 50 other countries in less than 8 hours. I’m one state away from having worked all 50 states. Really enjoy all aspects of it. No regrets here!
Edited to add: one thing I especially like is when someone takes the time to send an old-school handwritten QSL card via regular mail. Anyone who does that is a dedicated Amateur Radio Operator IMO!
Edited to add: one thing I especially like is when someone takes the time to send an old-school handwritten QSL card via regular mail. Anyone who does that is a dedicated Amateur Radio Operator IMO!
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