what is our EM team thinking

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Feb 21, 2005
i'm trying to figure it out, but one of our mutual aid departments has gone to the a new dispatch channel. i know Southport and oak island already had their own freq but i cant figure out what freq is. I'm guessing they're going to have a northern central and southern dispatch channel. Makes no sense to me. IMHO the emergency managers have wasted waaaaay to0 much money on a system that i doubt will ever work. I think they shoulda just kept the dispatch channel for fire used southport's or OI for rescue due to the problems happening on repater channel and used the money to go on the viper system in brunswick county. but instead we are going to have two seperate Trunked systems. one on VHF and the other UHF

excuse me if i am wrong but isnt the point of a TRS is to do more with less channels not less with more channels? My understanding of most other TRS systems is that fire rescue and police are supposed to be able to communicate directly. but from the appearence of this system, law will have its own trs and fire rescue will be sharing the vhf. This makes no sense to me


Feb 21, 2005
It's tribeach STA. 8 and now i dont think this LTR TRS will ever work it's just a drain on the taxpayers money


Premium Subscriber
Mar 3, 2004
Concord, NC

I don't understand why Brunswick County is experimenting with a Trunked Vhf & Uhf System.

It seems like with money they have spent on this system, they would have been better off going with a Motorola Type II Analog system.

At least you could have some of the Horry Co & N Myrtle Beach South Carolina Talkgroups programmed into your radios for mutual aid use in South Carolina and vise versa.

Another thing that blows my mind is why a county or city would want to install a GE Edacs system, when all other agencies they will likely work with use Motorla Trunking.

I know this to be true with Harnett Co. the City of Dunn, the City of Hickory and the cities of Smithfield and Selma all use GE Edacs and they have no way of communicating with any of the other counties that use the Motorola System.

I quess there areas are just screwed when the State Viper System gets up and running.

I was just wandering if Brunswick County has thought about jumping on the StateWide Viper System, I know Stanly County is hoping to use it.

Just a thought, the system is there all that would be is the cost of the radio.

Just thinking



Feb 21, 2005
Yard bird to answer your questions

"I don't understand why Brunswick County is experimenting with a Trunked Vhf & Uhf System."
Cause the company who is putting it in did some major a$$ kissing and oh yeah the company doing it is 4 years behind schedule and bankrupt but the county keeps giving them money

"It seems like with money they have spent on this system, they would have been better off going with a Motorola Type II Analog system."
We need a 800 mhz system this was proven when the county sent 7 engines and a ladder to help at the astor hotel fire. we coldnt half hear CCOM and they coulndt hear us. Also we had no way of communicating with command at the scene cause command was on New hanover 800 and we had to have our ES-2 running up to him and asking him what he needed ad relaying it to us but we had no way to talk to new hanover units on scene and walls were collapsing the whole time and we couldnt check in to make sure everyone was accounted for.

"At least you could have some of the Horry Co & N Myrtle Beach South Carolina Talkgroups programmed into your radios for mutual aid use in South Carolina and vise versa."
we have been called down there to help with forest fires and once again we couldnt talk to scene commanders but we had to relay and talk to firec ontrol and they talked to command for us on the 800 MHZ. waste of freaking time if you ask me.

"Another thing that blows my mind is why a county or city would want to install a GE Edacs system, when all other agencies they will likely work with use Motorla Trunking."
I cant argue with your logic there.

"I was just wandering if Brunswick County has thought about jumping on the StateWide Viper System, I know Stanly County is hoping to use it."
every department asked to be connected to viper cause it is supposed to garuntee interoprability anywhere we go. but that makes too much sense for our em team to think about using that logic

"Just a thought, the system is there all that would be is the cost of the radio."
like i said they would rather waste money on a sytem which is already proven that it will not work at the needed capacity. and when i was taught about TRS's i was told that fire rescue and law would be able to communicate on a TRS system. but it looks like law will have its own TRS. and fire and rescue will have to share the vhf system. I still think we should be on viper but i'm only a firefighter going for his emergency management degree so i dont know anything

yes it's a long reply I apologize
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