I've had hits on 170.9625 with nac 167 and thought its FBI. Maybe they use it as well.
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We do need a like button!
I've had hits on 170.9625 with nac 167 and thought its FBI. Maybe they use it as well.
We do need a like button!
I've had hits on 170.9625 with nac 167 and thought its FBI. Maybe they use it as well.
We do need a like button!
This thread will be about your favorite Federal Government to listen too and why you like listening to them. Is it because it is not ENC or because they can be funny sometimes like our local Federal prison. I will start off. My favorite Federal Government is the Federal prisons because they are funny like I said. And I am used to listening to them.
I only like the BoP because the local FCI in Pekin sometimes gets smart with each other and jokes around. My second Federal Government I like is the CBP because it is not ENC like the FBI.
So which CBP Freqs (include the NAC) are active in your hood.
I have 165.2375 with a 301 NAC. I also have 163.725 with the C02 NAC. I got the INS with the C02 NAC to on 163.625. I have not been listening that much lately to the VHF band of the feds. Its just been the FCI in Pekin.
165.2375 was reported pretty much as $C02, where (if you were able to deceipher) might the $301 Repeater be located ? Channel # ?
So which CBP Freqs (include the NAC) are active in your hood.
Hello. are those Frequencies good nation wide or for a certain area ????
Well, for Me. I like NPS, BIA, NFS, and FAA.
When I lived in New Mexico I was able to listen to a National Science Foundation frequency used at the Very Large Array radio telescope located about 15 miles from my home. There wasn't a lot of traffic. As we were in west central New Mexico I often heard aircraft flying with no lights above us. Those were the days of the Radio Communications Monitoring Association where it could be several weeks or months before someone answered a query, so it was tough for me to figure out if the Border Patrol, DEA or Customs Service was involved. We weren't on the flight path for Roswell, so I assumed the aircraft were not alien in nature.