What kind of antenna array is this?

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Dec 22, 2013
One of the men had all black Middle Eastern dress like a tunic, black pajama bottoms and sandals and wanted to"cash a check"

The other, unknown type clothing description, was also Middle Eastern and "wanted to sell a laptop."

The first one was caught by the building's "man trap" entry when he piggy backed in with an employee on her credentials. He hesitated at the second door and was caught in the vestibule. The employees have to badge in and badge out.
I am going with drive test dummies. It would seem to me that the vehicle is outfitted with cellular antennas for some sort of automated drive test. The vehicle if owned by Express Pro's likely contracted H1B workers from the ME to do the drive test. The fact that they were disingenuous about their reason the enter the building is worrying. They might have no access to HQ, working from a remote site. Perhaps a pay dispute? But if knocking on random doors?, call police.
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