Really? Yikes... Where to start.
About 50 Spectra, VHF, UHF, 800, And 900.
2 XTS3000, UHF
9 Quantars, UHF
3 MSF5K, 900
5 MTX9000
2 MTS2000 UHF
3 HT1000
1 HT200
1 Micom HF
1 P37720N UHF AM receiver (FAA surplus)
1 VHF Alert Receiver
And a collection of Micor era microphones in about every color of the rainbow.
That seems like it's missing something. Yeah, that's the real list.
Edit: I knew I forgot something... About a dozen Maxtracs, LB, VHF, UHF, and 900. The APX7K is "company" issue, so I can't count that.