Hey guys, this would be my FIRST POST!!!!
I received as a Christmas gift a:
UNIDEN BC72XLT scanner. I love the thing, even though it is a hand held, and not software programmable, it works great, the sound is awesome, and the reception is great for its size! Although it was difficult to read the manual to program, very confusing lol. but very customizable once you learn it!!! Air traffic, police, fire, ham, weather, marine all come in great! and you can prioritize frequencies...
It was a superb gift, i love it more then my new phone lmfao....
I'm a LIL mad however that agencies across the nation have switched over to a "unmonitored" system which I believe STOMPS all over our rights, but a few counties/ cities are actually rebroadcasting "non-sensitive" channels on regular bands for us "scanner folk". so I'm hoping others will too!! (doubt it)
But none the less, a great scanner for the beginner class! GREAT BUY! I can pick up anything I want basically, thanks to this site! Even fast food transmitters (which I find hilarious)
last year i got a CB radio....Gawsh, I think I'm turning into "super nerd" lol!