I think one of the problems that we run into with FRS radios is that people develop an unrealistic expectation of what they can do. The outrageous advertising on them is a part of the problem. At the end of the day, a 2 watt UHF radio will transmit as far as a 2 watt radio will transmit. If they are used within the parameters of what they can do they're fine. As an example, when I was in the Army our dismount radio put out a whopping 1.5 watts on VHF Low Band frequencies. By all accounts a total crap system! But we used them for a maximum range of about 1 mile, so they worked fine. If we needed longer range we went to a vehicle radio. The FRS was meant to talk around a mile and they do that just fine. I use mine on backpacking trips all the time and two watts gets me plenty of range.
If I had a wish list of radio features it really wouldn't be more power. It would be for them to be very rugged, simple controls, not look like a childs toy and to be USB-C rechargable. Having one that came WITHOUT all the Roger beeps and other non-sense would be nice too.