People have listed Amber, Pink & Ruby; and then added Blue. Those are all great if you are going to only be on the San Francisco penninsula. If you are heading east at all, then there's another set you'll want.
Whenever there is an "incident", they may move it to Blue; or use the channel it started on for the incident and move regular traffic temporarily to the Blue.
I monitor all those frequencies from up here in the Sacramento area, no problem. When I am mobile I absolutely also have the mobile frequencies programmed too, because you never know when they'll have the repeat function off, or you're temporarily not in a good spot to receive the base freq. Typically, if I can pick someone up on mobile with full quieting, then I know they're close and it's something I should pay closer attention to.
Also, I highly recommend programming CT values. Low band is notorious for (atmospheric) noise and that keeps the squelch from opening unless/until there is a good signal.
People have listed Amber, Pink & Ruby; and then added Blue. Those are all great if you are going to only be on the San Francisco penninsula. If you are heading east at all, then there's another set you'll want.
Whenever there is an "incident", they may move it to Blue; or use the channel it started on for the incident and move regular traffic temporarily to the Blue.
I monitor all those frequencies from up here in the Sacramento area, no problem. When I am mobile I absolutely also have the mobile frequencies programmed too, because you never know when they'll have the repeat function off, or you're temporarily not in a good spot to receive the base freq. Typically, if I can pick someone up on mobile with full quieting, then I know they're close and it's something I should pay closer attention to.
Also, I highly recommend programming CT values. Low band is notorious for (atmospheric) noise and that keeps the squelch from opening unless/until there is a good signal.