Which one should I get

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Trailer Park Supervisor
Mar 2, 2004
Seattle, WA
This is an easy one... Stay the hell away from the DX 394. The only thing it has going for it is it's looks. The quality sucks all the way around with this radio. You can get them for not a whole lot but if you had to choose between the two, go with the kenwood.

If you're not looking specifically for a desk top model, I highly suggest the Sangean 818 if you are jus tgetting your feet wet. I had one of these for many years and it's a great radio. The nice thing about it is that it's portable so you can take it on trips and such. It does have a BFO for tuning in SSB signals. You can get these for the same price as the other SWL rigs you're looking at. There wasn't a whole lot that I didn't hear with my 818 and a 70 ft longwire antenna. Really, a great radio. Here's one on EBAY I found.


Hope this helps!


Dec 19, 2002
East Brunswick, NJ
If you are looking for something a little (really a lot) bigger, try the Grundig 800. I have one running into a dipole and it is awesome. AM, CW, SSB, and good quality sound.


Apr 4, 2004
Slightly NE of the People's Republic of Firestone
I'll admit that I'm a tad bit predjudiced in that I happen to like radios that `glow in the dark' and help keep `the shack' warm. (Mainly Hallicrafters, a couple Nationals, and few `others'. {GRIN!} ) Unfortunately because of both current size and room restrictions my `babies' are in storage and I'm currently using radios that are full of those danged `three legged fuses'. {WAN GRIN!}

Currently my *portables* consist of a SONY ICF-2010 and a GRUNDIG Satelitt 800 whilst my `desktop' `workhorse' is a DRAKE R8. I'd recommend the SONY for portable use, because of it's size and features, if you can find someone who's crazy enough to sell it. The GRUNDIG, which is considerably *bigger* than the SONY, is also an *awesome* `portable?' and would also somewhat `substitue?' for a `desktop' even though it doesn't have all the features that most `desktops' have.

I'd agree with Linsay about the ICOM R-71 if you cannot bring yourself to afford getting the DRAKE R8 though, IMNSHO, I think the DRAKE is a better radio. {VB GRIN!}

Just an `Olde Fart's' 2¢ worth. {CHORTLE!}
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