Depends on whether this will be your only purchase for a long time, and even then I would not get digital. Scanners improve approx every 2 years. Things that current digital scanner can't receive will be improved in future models. When, and if someone goes digital in your area, then you can get the latest model. Here is your county: You will need an analog trunking scanner.You are going to need a analog scanner but i would recommend getting a digital one so if they go digital you are ready and do not need to buy another scanner. The digital scanners do analog to.
just wondering what i need (digital / analog) for my area's police and fire?
Any help would be great
state - pennsylvania
county - clearfield
city - clearfield
zip 16830
No it is notThanks to everyone who replied.
I have a few questions.
My brother in law has an old uniden bearcat BC148XLT scanner he uses.
Is it a trunking scanner? How can you tell if it is or not?
Centre Communications Trunking System is the primary trunking system for Clearfield County, but they may be using the old non-trunking frequencies occasionally. . Also, Local Municipalities still use non-trunking. It is also possible to monitor a trunking system with a non-trunking scanner. When you do that, you may miss parts of conversations when they trunk to different channels, but it may not be that noticeable. Here's some info on trunking: Trunking BasicsI will just be using it at home.
If the bearcat BC148XLT he uses isnt a trunking scanner how can he pick up fire / police?
Would i pick up more with a trunking scanner?
You will need an analog trunk tracking scanner. Your county and city are on a LTR system. Since you didn't state handheld or base, I will suggest the Uniden BC346XT handheld, and the BC15x base. I also suggest getting FreeScan to program the radios, along with a premium membership here at RR. This will allow you to import from the database and then download it to the scanner. I wouldn't worry about digital for now.