Progressing further on this.
I've been looking at how the default NZ plan has been set out.
It covers the whole country but is all on one folder, with the various areas grouped into scanlists.
A few tips for you regarding the Sites, Talkgroups and Radio IDs, just Right click over any of the info windows and
you will presented with options to export them to .CSV, even center the tags left or right, and a few other options to import
from .CSV.
It may not let you export the downloaded library items from RadioRef, but if you used the inbuilt (Build Library) function
which takes forever to build, you may have some luck.
as for the export and import functions
This will also give you a Base .CSV file with all tabs setup for a spread sheet so you can add delete objects
from other sources etc:, you can also turn on and off various tabs in the import screen to weed out erroneous data
not needed like something from a uniden favorites list.
remember to always save before editing
As for the Vscan files, each and every one treats the radio as a different unit, but you could set the main system
up to cover all just using differnt scanlists, probally too much info but it will pop out at ya when you think about it.