Why is EZ-Scan/iScan Software so limited.

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Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
I'm new to the EZ-Scan/iScan based scanner and have been using the software for over a month now and I'm still in awe on why it is missing the most basic of features. As it stands now I can see why the software turns off many users from even purchasing or keeping these scanner. I love the scanner, I just hate the software.

I have read most post since the PSR-800 was released about the lack of Stationary or Roam options. I never found if it was a hardware or firmware limitation? Even though this is lacking, there are work-arounds. My grip is with the lack of simple functions like Move Up, Move Down, Cut, Copy and Paste, Sort Order, etc. I did read that the reason behind this was preventing users from obtaining or copying the Radio Reference database and sharing it or using it in other scanner software. Some of the above functions have nothing to do with database piracy. As we all know anybody with Microsoft Excel can just go to the web sight and copy to there hearts content. For users who own the radios not to be able to copy the own files is crazy. Every other scanner software allows you to do this.

I was working on some files last night in EZ-Scan (WS-1095) making changes to some of my talkgroups, adding the correct LED color etc. It sure would have been nice to copy my own work into iScan (Pro-668) which I also own so I would not have to duplicate all that work. I know some of you use MS Excel as you master template but even it does let you copy those additional settings.

Again they are great scanners that are software limited. I know some folks who refuse to purchase these scanners just because of the software and I'm sure that hurts sales. Why couldn't the software have more of the features of Win500. They are very similar.


Jun 20, 2007
Anne Arundel County, MD
You can use your 1095 files directly on your 668. You don't need to do any cut and paste either.

Just copy the CDAT folder containing all your systems and scanlists from one directory to the other, delete the global settings file and load into the other app. You are then ready to load the 668.

See the thread labeled UPDATE where DonS explains moving these files between family radios 800, 1080, 1095 and 668



Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
Thanks Mark
I came across that during my search. Just seems like a lot of pain for something that could be simple. I know it's an old subject but I figured after the PSR-800 this would have been addressed and improved.


Mar 1, 2015
Hamilton Co. Illinois
I just got out an sd card adapter,put my 668 card in the adapter,put it in the 1095,and turned it on...u can make copies as desired...and a plus is...u can turn off the buttons light display,and use only the lcd :)


Feb 24, 2001
I have been using the EzScan software for over a year and have yet to find any real problems with it.

Sure .. the ability to sort would be nice, but it is such a minor issue, it is just not worth talking about. I think the real reason it is how it is .. is that each item is an object and can be a member of multiple scanlists .. so realistically as the software sits you cannot sort the items inside multiple scanlists at the same time.

Re the copy / paste .. you can go between any of the GRE / Whistler family of scanners. You in fact can just pull the SD card out of one and change the settings General Settings and Advanced Features tabs for each scanner as you see fit. As was stated above .. you can even just pull the card from one and put it in another with no issues .. but some settings may not be 100% as you like.

When I got my 1095, I used my PSR800 sd card / settings .. and was up and running on the 1095 in less than 5 min (after confirming the scanner settings).

I just save an archive of my configuration for each scanner for safe keeping and that is it. Never have had any problems.

You do not have to mess with anything in the CDAT folder .. you can just directly change what you want in the software and write to your scanner.

If you have any concerns a click of the Restore Factory Defaults .. will alleviate any issues.
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Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
When I build my database I like to be organized, something Butel, FreeScan, Sentinel and Win500 allows me to do. For example a new police talk group is discovered Police Ch.2 TG108 and I want to insert it between Police Dispatch TG100 and Police Ch.3 TG104. The TG ID is not in order so when I enter it into the software it aligns it up by TGID or Alpha Tag depending on what I have selected in the header. I hold on Dispatch and they say go to Ch.2, well instead of moving over one channel I have to keep pressing until I get to TG108 Police Ch.2. Now in the above example I'm sure by selecting Alpa Tags it will line up since I used Police as an example but you get my point. Is asking for a simple Move Up or Move Down option to much to ask when working with frequencies, sites and talk groups.

edmscan, you have made it quite clear over the month how you feel about Uniden and there software. No where in my post have I even mentioned them. The only other reference I used was Win500 which is comparable to my question.

As far as the CDAT folder I understand that. Just seems like a lot of work and for those who aren't computer savvy it can be a nightmare. Again, just seems like it's slightly limited.
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Feb 24, 2001
When I build my database I like to be organized, something Butel, FreeScan, Sentinel and Win500 allows me to do. For example a new police talk group is discovered Police Ch.2 TG108 and I want to insert it between Police Dispatch TG100 and Police Ch.3 TG104. The TG ID is not in order so when I enter it into the software it aligns it up by TGID or Alpha Tag depending on what I have selected in the header. I hold on Dispatch and they say go to Ch.2, well instead of moving over one channel I have to keep pressing until I get to TG108 Police Ch.2. Now in the above example I'm sure by selecting Alpa Tags it will line up since I used Police as an example but you get my point. Is asking for a simple Move Up or Move Down option to much to ask when working with frequencies, sites and talk groups.

edmscan, you have made it quite clear over the month how you feel about Uniden and there software. No where in my post have I even mentioned them. The only other reference I used was Win500 which is comparable to my question.

You should know that I am a software developer myself .. so I know a bit about software. Even though I do mostly database work now .. I have developed scanner programming software in the past and am very well aware what good and bad software looks like.

I have been using scanners for over 35 years and 100% understand where you are coming from .. it is a minor inconvenience sure, but it is pretty minor. I mostly use commercial radios and can sort my TG's as I like, and know the limitations of which you speak. But .. do I expect there to ever be a change .. honestly no as they would likely have to change all the software packages .. I cannot see it happening no matter how loud you complain.

I also have a PSR500 .. which I entered by hand. The thing that you will notice is that the newer software does not have an ID field that you used to be able to sort on .. and thus put in the talkgroups (and sort them) as you liked. Because that field is not there now .. your sorting is much more limited.

My comment about the Uniden software .. was just so that you are aware, there is a lot worse software for scanners out there. Just to keep you happy .. I removed my comment above. I am a very very big stickler about usability in software .. and the GRE / Whistler software is actually pretty good.

Because there likely will never be any other software other than what we have .. complaining and commenting about what the other guys do .. is irrelevant. We have to accept the software how it is. Does it get the job done .. yes. That is the main thing. The fact that you can use your programming within the whole family of scanners that we have .. is a pretty big benefit.
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Database Admin
Jun 23, 2006
N.W. Florida
Gotcha and Thanks. Not trying to stir the pot. Just asking some simple questions as a new user to this platform. From my signature you can see I am also well-versed in different model scanners and software. I have also been scanning for 35+ years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
I programmed my 1095 and 436 for a trip yesterday. Both EZ Scan and Sentinel have their pros and cons. Personally, I still like EZ Scan better than Sentinel. Sentinel has these weird buttons and funky cut and paste things. EZ Scan more readily puts all of the information right in front of you. I do wish all of the versions were more consolidated into one piece of software but as it turns out, GRE/Whistler and Uniden created separate version for different models.

Either way, it's better than the days of hand programming and the software didn't cost extra!


Jun 20, 2007
Anne Arundel County, MD
Thanks Mark
I came across that during my search. Just seems like a lot of pain for something that could be simple. I know it's an old subject but I figured after the PSR-800 this would have been addressed and improved.
Probably related to the fact that there are at least two different companies building radios for at least 3 or 4 different names during the period of these radios, and some had their own "gotta have my name on the software" and other specifics on the contracts, they have ended up as different applications.

I agree having 4 apps on my PC mainly just to do the firmware updates, since I can transfer files, is a little bit of a pain. But not a lot different than having two different Sentinal applications because of different (536 and HP) scanner models, and Freescan to handle another 5 different Uniden radios.

Remembering how to do things in the different applications and on different radios is probably keeping my mind sharp. Don't even have a favorite app among them. They all lack in some areas and excel in others. I also program radios by hand every now and then, just to see if I can still do it.



Premium Subscriber
Aug 4, 2013
Santa Cruz, California
I just want a Data Base for all my frequencies, tones, Talk groups etc. This would be for ALL my radios and not to program any of them.
Does anyone have an Excel file already figured out? So I don't have to configure the PL dropdowns etc.?
Thanks... Keith


Dec 11, 2016
Lancaster County PA
Whistler needs a a visual recording program for the computer. I really don't understand the purpose of the Control Demo software. Seeing what is on the scanner screen and not being able to log it is just worthless.


Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2003
Portland, Oregon
Because there likely will never be any other software other than what we have .. complaining and commenting about what the other guys do .. is irrelevant. We have to accept the software how it is. Does it get the job done .. yes. That is the main thing.

My feeling is that if we complain enough Whistler might just improve their software, or at least release their protocols to third party developers like Butel. Either of these would benefit all of us. The problems with EZScan may be trivial to you, but that doesn't mean they're trivial to everyone. Like the OP, I also am very disappointed in their software. It is the single worst radio programming application I've ever used, and I've used many.

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