Just a smile ..and a wink. :wink:
Only one problem, you cannot prevent stupid.
Or fix it.. Duct tape muffles the sound, and eventually the 2x4 stops it from moving.
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Just a smile ..and a wink. :wink:
Only one problem, you cannot prevent stupid.
C'mon guys. You know better.
I don't disagree about the potential value of the flowchart, but rules is rules. Fix two particular words and it'd be OK.
Still haven't received a response to my letters to the FCC. Yes, letters, plural. At the beginning of them month I sent the letter again asking for a response since two months had passed without hearing back. If I don't hear back by the 3 month mark, I will contact them again.
In a similar thread long ago on this forum we were discussing the legalities of programming a transmitter for frequencies you are not licensed for. We were not discussing actual transmission, but simply programming the transmit frequencies in. Before anyone jumps to a quick conclusion that is not as clear cut as some might think.
That caused me to write several letters and a couple of emails, I never heard back form any of them.
That chart is so riddled with flaws, it really is hilarious.
Some examples:
Just because the local ham repeaters aren't down doesn't mean you can get an answer from someone in a position to help.
If your radio doesn't cover HF, you can't make calls there. Not all ham radios cover HF.
By the time you try every ham band and every repeater, the issue is moot. The guy will likely be dead and you won't need to call anyone for help. While I guess that solves the issue, it's not exactly a desirable outcome.
Baofeng radios are banned outright. Yea - real technical. "I'm sorry I can't help you, but I only have a Baofeng and I might get in trouble." Looks like a Baofeng hater wrote that chart.
The implication is that only emergency services can call for help. But, if emergency services are there, there is no need to summon them, is there?
Simply looking at the first and last blocks say what the author intended: Is there a life-or-death situation in the chart ALL leads to the solution of letting them die if you can't get a reply in the ham bands. But, this was mentioned earlier in this thread that some people believe they should die rather than risk a possible rules violation. Get your priorities in order, people: LIFE is more important than Laws - ALWAYS.
In the end, the chart really says that radios are never needed in any situation. REALLY?
Like I said, hilarious, but total bull.
No, it's saying that having anything other than Part 97 frequencies in your radio is unnecessary, since there are plenty of options in just the ham bands. And just because you can't get a live person to respond to your call on the repeater doesn't mean the repeater is useless unless it doesn't have an autopatch.
It's called being prepared! A modified ham radio is a copout to actually being prepared.
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How so? Modifying your hamcraptastic radio 'just in case' is no excuse for not being prepared.
Going in to the wilderness? Take a Sat phone. Many places rent them. Buy a Spot beacon, or some other EPiRB.
by using having a trucker with a LMR radio on LAD 1.) did not need a modified radio to talk to the police.
By by jumping straight to the police frequencies and not trying every ham repeater, you have not eliminated all other methods available to you...
Your argument is invalid.
Hahahaha, they are crap. Although I own one, I don't use it any more because it is so poorly performing.
It called being prepared. There is ALWAYS other options, if one wants to actually be prepared. Modifying your radio is not being properly prepared.
Uh no, being prepared is what it is saying. I carry my Spot and when I need 2way comms where my cell does not work I have my sat phone.
It's called being prepared! A modified ham radio is a copout to actually being prepared.