Hello to All. I know CB is near HF, and I know of FRS/GMRS but those are VHF Analog only, what About CB in the VHF/UHF Spectrum that is Digital.
The Personal Radio Services that the FCC has includes VHF, UHF, and HF.
For HF, you have the CB band.
For VHF, you have MURS
For UHF, you have GMRS and FRS.
If you are asking why the USA doesn't have a system like Australia, well, that's sort of what GMRS is.
VHF, you have MURS, but that's fairly new, and those channels were previously licensed business channels.
As for why no digital...
As others said, when CB was created, digital was not an option. There's also a lot of digital modes, and picking one would be difficult and result in a lot of arguments about which one we should be using.
But, it would be nice if the USA/FCC got their act in gear and joined many other countries that allow FM to be used. That would give us the option of PL/DPL squelch.
Certainly is an interesting discussion about what could be done if the FCC was to create a new service. Big challenge is that most of the spectrum above 150MHz is in very high demand, and no one wants to waste that on consumers.