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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.



Premium Subscriber
Feb 19, 2011
Sun City West, AZ
A lot of it. It also has big mountains and big holes in the ground.
And lots of huge rocks right in your way.

That looks great! That SWR is about as good as you can do, so nice job. What radio are you running? Just curious as I’m contemplating putting a CB back in my Subaru. I’d obviously get one with AM/FM and DNR. It would be great to have SSB but I’m not aware of any small radios that also do SSB. Please post an update when can.
Cobra 25 LTD Classic AM/FM

that really looks fantastic! I can't wait to see how it works..... I "think" that is the best CB antenna you can put on a jeep.... why do you need to put the same antenna C27 on the avalanche? why not put a really good and cheap magnet mount on it just for testing??? ... I hope your CB range test shows what a CB can really do... maybe I'll be surprised and the Firestick will be better.... but I'd love to see the C27 and a really "known" great working magnetic cb antenna,... a magnetic antenna on the roof of the avalanche will be higher and centered... meaning it will recieve and transmit in all directions.... if you do the C27 on both hoods you're going to be more directional
whatever you do it will be great to see the results
Tram 3500 at Target for $55 bucks with free shipping... it's certainly not the best antenna.... but for testing that jeep I think it would work really well..... again beautiful jeep!
The mag-mount on the Avalance will be mounted on the center of the roof as before.

I find antennas mounted on Mojave hoods work better than Rubicon hoods.
Since, I have a tuned suspension, I guess I could just remove the "Rubicon" decals on the hood and stick on the "Mojave" decals and that should help with getting the better Farz.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I hope I didn't discourage you from the Radioddity CS-47????? putting out 8 watts is HUGE .... and 15 watts on FM that has got to kick some serious ass.
you will never get anything smaller... and for under a $100 bucks... I wouldn't hesitate... I'm sure you will get used to the squelch as a up and down button... ( I only used it for a couple hours.... and really just couldn't get used to it.... but that's just me)
if you buy it on Radioddity it's $75.99 with very cheap shipping... shipping to Massachusetts was only $500!!!!! that is an AWESOME DEAL
well I went on google and got a $10 off code .... use ...........Radioddity10 .............. and it took $10 bucks off.... so it was $65.99... and I just couldn't pass it up... and my friend needs a small radio for his Jeep so I guess I just bought him a CB .... not sure how 8 watts Am will help.... but that 15 watts on FM is got to work pretty well! and with the NRC... it has got to make a great Jeep radio.
so my next video will be the Radioddity CS-47


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth


I see no reason to compromise.

2). Best NRC AM (non-SSB) radio available.

PRESIDENT design quality and optional accessories.

3). A KL-203P as here’s a case where a pre-amp might matter (distance & terrain from town).

4). 5’ antenna or taller (7’ is where magic takes over).

I’ve a PRESIDENT Lincoln II v3 in the 2500 Cummins Ram. Any antenna on roof I want.

Am presently camped quite a ways from a major metro. 15-miles from a town of any consequence. Slightly down into a river valley (shallow). The 203P is a handy check against radio settings on an outstanding receiver (a Cobra is a bad joke compared to Ham Radio Junior). DSP speaker.

Optional juice is a no-brainer even on the L-2. Dumb not to have the option. Pre-amp is a handy way to check radio settings without a bunch of adjustments made (relations to each other).

— DX and local can sometimes be hard to distinguish from each other during Skip.

Hear, and Get Heard is the game. How to focus on one or more channels is what’s needed. Before “they” drive farther away. Flip a coin as to the channel (pre-amp might better the odds).

The weak link will become the extension speaker (argued due to size).

I “get that”. But I know from the experience of dependence on accurate comms not to leave any system or component “deficient”. Vocal fidelity is — in the end — the decisive edge.

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Aug 26, 2005

View attachment 170544

I see no reason to compromise.

2). Best NRC AM (non-SSB) radio available.

PRESIDENT design quality and optional accessories.

3). A KL-203P as here’s a case where a pre-amp might matter (distance & terrain from town).

4). 5’ antenna or taller (7’ is where magic takes over).

I’ve a PRESIDENT Lincoln II v3 in the 2500 Cummins Ram. Any antenna on roof I want.

Am presently camped quite a ways from a major metro. 15-miles from a town of any consequence. Slightly down into a river valley (shallow). The 203P is a handy check against radio settings on an outstanding receiver (a Cobra is a bad joke compared to Ham Radio Junior). DSP speaker.

Optional juice is a no-brainer even on the L-2. Dumb not to have the option. Pre-amp is a handy way to check radio settings without a bunch of adjustments made (relations to each other).

— DX and local can sometimes be hard to distinguish from each other during Skip.

Hear, and Get Heard is the game. How to focus on one or more channels is what’s needed. Before “they” drive farther away. Flip a coin as to the channel (pre-amp might better the odds).

The weak link will become the extension speaker (argued due to size).

I “get that”. But I know from the experience of dependence on accurate comms not to leave any system or component “deficient”. Vocal fidelity is — in the end — the decisive edge.

Which will go further, am/fm with 203p or am fcc mckinley on ssb?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 19, 2011
Sun City West, AZ
After posting my test results on the performance/evaluation of the Firestik II antennae about 2-3 weeks ago, and of course there were forum members that said the Firestik II antennae where one of the worst antennae and the placement of the antenna on my Wrangler Rubi was also one of the worst locations, and that I should be using a NMO Trunk Lip Mount clipped to the rear edge of the Hood at the cowl, and a C27 base load antenna, for better performance results in the Farz.

Well, I decided to bite into that carrot, and I purchased two Antenna Specialist/Antenex/Laird/T E Connectivity C27 Base Load antennae and the NMO Trunk Lip-Mount and I conducted my Farz test today identical to the test as I did with the two Firestiks. I ran the same route and used the test point locations. The transmitting and the receiving vehicles, radios, noise floor level were identical, as the previous test. The C27 antennae were tuned and the VSWRs were in the very low 1's.

Today's results revealed that the Firestik II antenna outperformed the C27 base load antennas. Just to recap the test with the Firestiks, I was able to have readable communication at 2.25 miles in the AM mode and 3.25 miles in the FM mode. With the C27 antennae, the AM mode revealed readable communication up to the 1.25 miles and the FM mode revealed readable communication up to 2.5 miles.

Guess what my Jeep Creep friends, I will be using the following antenna for my CB Radio communications:


because this configuration was not the best in performance:



Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
I read your original post trying to get an idea of how long the Firestik antenna is that you are using on your jeep. I decided to install a used QT40 in my '05 TJR and bought a 3' fiberglass antenna, coaxial, and mount combo to replace what the PO had installed on my jeep. The antenna isn't working out with swr's very well and someone else on the forum suggested a 4' tunable Firestik would work out better. The 3' antenna is barely 6" above my roof if that.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 19, 2011
Sun City West, AZ
The longer antenna the better. A lot of people never do get good VSRs with a 3 Ft Firestik. I thought that I may have gotten something like 1.6 to 1.7:1 with a 3 ft tuneable tip. I still have a 3 ft Firestik and just for giggles I' ll check the VSWRs tomorrow. I normally use a 5 Ft on my Jeep and I am getting less than 1.1:1.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
After posting my test results on the performance/evaluation of the Firestik II antennae about 2-3 weeks ago, and of course there were forum members that said the Firestik II antennae where one of the worst antennae and the placement of the antenna on my Wrangler Rubi was also one of the worst locations, and that I should be using a NMO Trunk Lip Mount clipped to the rear edge of the Hood at the cowl, and a C27 base load antenna, for better performance results in the Farz.

Well, I decided to bite into that carrot, and I purchased two Antenna Specialist/Antenex/Laird/T E Connectivity C27 Base Load antennae and the NMO Trunk Lip-Mount and I conducted my Farz test today identical to the test as I did with the two Firestiks. I ran the same route and used the test point locations. The transmitting and the receiving vehicles, radios, noise floor level were identical, as the previous test. The C27 antennae were tuned and the VSWRs were in the very low 1's.

Today's results revealed that the Firestik II antenna outperformed the C27 base load antennas. Just to recap the test with the Firestiks, I was able to have readable communication at 2.25 miles in the AM mode and 3.25 miles in the FM mode. With the C27 antennae, the AM mode revealed readable communication up to the 1.25 miles and the FM mode revealed readable communication up to 2.5 miles.

Guess what my Jeep Creep friends, I will be using the following antenna for my CB Radio communications:

View attachment 171016

because this configuration was not the best in performance:

View attachment 171017
sorry to hear it didn't work out Nocones ...
I'm actually shocked!!!!
I expected much better results with both antenna's...
you certainly spent a lot of money... those Antenex Laird C27 are not cheap! I think their $100 bucks each and the NMO27 - Larsen NMO 52" CB Antenna is $65 plus shipping larsen CB27 ... you also put a lot of time into it, again sorry it didn't work out.... I see a lot of guys get really good range with cars and even pick-ups after some RF bonding of the hoods and bed to the cab.... but I have never seen or even heard of anyone really getting great range with a Jeep... I thought for sure the hood lip would work awesome!!!... I was hoping we could show the world how a Jeep could work with a CB because I always hear Jeeps are only good for a mile or two.
my Friend with the 2005 Jeep is coming over again soon ... ( maybe this weekend ) and I plan to video everything we do and range test it.... I'll share the results... I sure hope I can do better than yours.... but I know you did all you could.
last time we played with his Jeep I talked to him on my Base station as he went home and got him at 9 miles.. but it was terrible for the whole way ... the 9 miles was at the end when he made a turn and got onto a highway that may have been a little elevated.


Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
The longer antenna the better. A lot of people never do get good VSRs with a 3 Ft Firestik. I thought that I may have gotten something like 1.6 to 1.7:1 with a 3 ft tuneable tip. I still have a 3 ft Firestik and just for giggles I' ll check the VSWRs tomorrow. I normally use a 5 Ft on my Jeep and I am getting less than 1.1:1.
I get the taller the better part, the 4' antenna should put me just over 12" above the roof with out a spring. Down here in South East Arizona my trails have very few over hanging branches. I'm just installing the radio just because, nobody I wheel with have comms, I have to hand out uv5r's to anyone that happens to tag along. I guess I could go taller though. If the 4' antenna gets channel 40 around 1.5, I think I'll be happy. The Walcott fiberglass antenna is a cut to length so the Firestik should be much better.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I get the taller the better part, the 4' antenna should put me just over 12" above the roof with out a spring. Down here in South East Arizona my trails have very few over hanging branches. I'm just installing the radio just because, nobody I wheel with have comms, I have to hand out uv5r's to anyone that happens to tag along. I guess I could go taller though. If the 4' antenna gets channel 40 around 1.5, I think I'll be happy. The Walcott fiberglass antenna is a cut to length so the Firestik should be much better.
David... let me do some range testing before you spend money..... I'm hoping to play with my friends Jeep soon.... right now I have a 75 inch antenna on the tail light.... but I adjusted the antenna many times and the SWR of 1.5 just would not change.. better or worse.... so I started cutting a 1/4 inch at a time and finally after cutting 4 inches off of it the SWR barely changed.... it went up to 1.9 ( I hate Jeeps) later I learned that if you don't have a good ground on the tail light mount it will ground plane through the coax and that must have been what was happening... so step one I'm going to RF bond the hell out of that tail light mount and see how the antenna works....
but even before and after cutting the 4 inches off we were doing ok for range.... I think 6 miles clearly to my Base..... but then we did some more stuff and it got worse... finally on his way home he would only be a couple miles from me and could not hear me... so I would turn my base up to 60 watts and he still couldn't hear me??????? then he would take a 90 degree turn and I was blowing his speaker out..... I know the tail light mount is directional so depending on the way he was facing, changed everything.... when he got on the highway we could talk 9 miles apart.... I still like the look of this antenna. the UK guys have great luck with it... it has been around forever ... used to be called the modulator then the Starlett warrior and the Red Devil ... now they call it Taurus Red Warrior Mobile CB Antenna... it is 18 inches of fiberglass and 57 inches of a very whippy steel whip.. I think it looks good on the Jeep and is way above the top and is so flexible that it will make a great 4X4 Jeep antenna.... ( if I can get it to work ) I just bought a 2nd one as I cut the first one too short....
lot of youtube videos on it.. the Brits love it... they did a test of the Taurus Red Warrior Mobile CB Antenna and the Sirio performer 4000 and they were equal in range. so that had me sold
so my plan is to RF bond the tail light mount... then put bonding straps on the back tub left and right side to the frame... and put two bonding straps on the hood to the tub and to the frame...... then I want to stick a magnetic mount antenna on the hood and have him go for a ride and see how that location works, and what kind of range we get.... then I will also try the Taurus Red Warrior again and see if it's as good or better than the mag antenna on the hood
if I get it working and video it ... you may want to try this antenna... I really thought for sure the hood lip mount would have been fantastic!
here is a picture of it on my friends jeep.... so hold off and let me see what I can do with a jeep.... I may get the same results as Nocones. and if that's the case you're on your own.
Taurus Red Warrior it's only $29.00 bucks


  • the Scarlett Warrior.jpg
    the Scarlett Warrior.jpg
    85.3 KB · Views: 7


Aug 21, 2024
Sierra Vista, Arizona
David... let me do some range testing before you spend money..... I'm hoping to play with my friends Jeep soon.... right now I have a 75 inch antenna on the tail light.... but I adjusted the antenna many times and the SWR of 1.5 just would not change.. better or worse.... so I started cutting a 1/4 inch at a time and finally after cutting 4 inches off of it the SWR barely changed.... it went up to 1.9 ( I hate Jeeps) later I learned that if you don't have a good ground on the tail light mount it will ground plane through the coax and that must have been what was happening... so step one I'm going to RF bond the hell out of that tail light mount and see how the antenna works....
but even before and after cutting the 4 inches off we were doing ok for range.... I think 6 miles clearly to my Base..... but then we did some more stuff and it got worse... finally on his way home he would only be a couple miles from me and could not hear me... so I would turn my base up to 60 watts and he still couldn't hear me??????? then he would take a 90 degree turn and I was blowing his speaker out..... I know the tail light mount is directional so depending on the way he was facing, changed everything.... when he got on the highway we could talk 9 miles apart.... I still like the look of this antenna. the UK guys have great luck with it... it has been around forever ... used to be called the modulator then the Starlett warrior and the Red Devil ... now they call it Taurus Red Warrior Mobile CB Antenna... it is 18 inches of fiberglass and 57 inches of a very whippy steel whip.. I think it looks good on the Jeep and is way above the top and is so flexible that it will make a great 4X4 Jeep antenna.... ( if I can get it to work ) I just bought a 2nd one as I cut the first one too short....
lot of youtube videos on it.. the Brits love it... they did a test of the Taurus Red Warrior Mobile CB Antenna and the Sirio performer 4000 and they were equal in range. so that had me sold
so my plan is to RF bond the tail light mount... then put bonding straps on the back tub left and right side to the frame... and put two bonding straps on the hood to the tub and to the frame...... then I want to stick a magnetic mount antenna on the hood and have him go for a ride and see how that location works, and what kind of range we get.... then I will also try the Taurus Red Warrior again and see if it's as good or better than the mag antenna on the hood
if I get it working and video it ... you may want to try this antenna... I really thought for sure the hood lip mount would have been fantastic!
here is a picture of it on my friends jeep.... so hold off and let me see what I can do with a jeep.... I may get the same results as Nocones. and if that's the case you're on your own.
Taurus Red Warrior it's only $29.00 bucks
I've been watching your posts of you working on your friends jeep since mine is a 2005 also. When my Firestik arrives, I will play with it and see what if I can get the swr's better. I will watch to see what you accomplish with your friends jeep also.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 19, 2011
Sun City West, AZ
sorry to hear it didn't work out Nocones ...
I'm actually shocked!!!!
I expected much better results with both antenna's...
you certainly spent a lot of money... those Antenex Laird C27 are not cheap! I think their $100 bucks each and the NMO27 - Larsen NMO 52" CB Antenna is $65 plus shipping larsen CB27 ... you also put a lot of time into it, again sorry it didn't work out.... I see a lot of guys get really good range with cars and even pick-ups after some RF bonding of the hoods and bed to the cab.... but I have never seen or even heard of anyone really getting great range with a Jeep... I thought for sure the hood lip would work awesome!!!... I was hoping we could show the world how a Jeep could work with a CB because I always hear Jeeps are only good for a mile or two.
my Friend with the 2005 Jeep is coming over again soon ... ( maybe this weekend ) and I plan to video everything we do and range test it.... I'll share the results... I sure hope I can do better than yours.... but I know you did all you could.
last time we played with his Jeep I talked to him on my Base station as he went home and got him at 9 miles.. but it was terrible for the whole way ... the 9 miles was at the end when he made a turn and got onto a highway that may have been a little elevated.
With tax and shipping the antennae were $109 each. No big deal it was educational. You guys brought up the possibility of improving the performance and it had to be tested to know for sure and in my application, it is not the solution.

I don't mind doing these types of projects. It gives me something to do in my spare time and I learn stuff from them.

Anyways, I was kinda liking the look of the two antennae up by the cowl with one on each side, it was cool looking.

I am a member in the Emergency Services Group of my GMRS Radio Club and the Lip-Mount can be used as a spare antenna mount if I need to add a temporary radio we need to activate/deploy to an event, so its not a complete waste, it might come in handy.

Onto the next project, whatever it may be.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 19, 2011
Sun City West, AZ
I get the taller the better part, the 4' antenna should put me just over 12" above the roof with out a spring. Down here in South East Arizona my trails have very few over hanging branches. I'm just installing the radio just because, nobody I wheel with have comms, I have to hand out uv5r's to anyone that happens to tag along. I guess I could go taller though. If the 4' antenna gets channel 40 around 1.5, I think I'll be happy. The Walcott fiberglass antenna is a cut to length so the Firestik should be much better.

Actually, my short Firestik II Antenna is only 24 inches and I just checked the VSWRs and it is just shy of 1.3:1 across the board. For giggles, I retuned my 4 Ft Firestik II because it was tuned for a mag-mount and a long coax cable and it was used on my friend's Avalanche for the tests, and the readings are 1.15:1 almost a .2 across the board. My 5 Ft Firestick II checks out about 1.05:1. All of my Firestik IIs are equipped with a quick disconnect and a spring.


Active Member
Aug 4, 2020
Fort Worth

View attachment 170544

I see no reason to compromise.

2). Best NRC AM (non-SSB) radio available.

PRESIDENT design quality and optional accessories.

3). A KL-203P as here’s a case where a pre-amp might matter (distance & terrain from town).

4). 5’ antenna or taller (7’ is where magic takes over).

I’ve a PRESIDENT Lincoln II v3 in the 2500 Cummins Ram. Any antenna on roof I want.

Am presently camped quite a ways from a major metro. 15-miles from a town of any consequence. Slightly down into a river valley (shallow). The 203P is a handy check against radio settings on an outstanding receiver (a Cobra is a bad joke compared to Ham Radio Junior). DSP speaker.

Optional juice is a no-brainer even on the L-2. Dumb not to have the option. Pre-amp is a handy way to check radio settings without a bunch of adjustments made (relations to each other).

— DX and local can sometimes be hard to distinguish from each other during Skip.

Hear, and Get Heard is the game. How to focus on one or more channels is what’s needed. Before “they” drive farther away. Flip a coin as to the channel (pre-amp might better the odds).

The weak link will become the extension speaker (argued due to size).

I “get that”. But I know from the experience of dependence on accurate comms not to leave any system or component “deficient”. Vocal fidelity is — in the end — the decisive edge.


A nice in-use review of this radio by a HAM:

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Reactions: mjf


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
I'm doing some range testing tonight with the Radioddity CS-47 and doing fantastic.... I can;t believe your jeep could only get 2 and half miles ....... here is a guy that gets 6.6 miles on a lawn mower~... I'm really looking forward to playing with the jeep


Premium Subscriber
Feb 19, 2011
Sun City West, AZ
I'm doing some range testing tonight with the Radioddity CS-47 and doing fantastic.... I can;t believe your jeep could only get 2 and half miles ....... here is a guy that gets 6.6 miles on a lawn mower~... I'm really looking forward to playing with the jeep
That is an old ASP antenna on the mower. 6 miles is definitely impressive. Maybe the cacti and pucker bushes were a factor.

I thought about installing a Kenwood TK880-1 in my Golf Car, but a portable does just fine hitting my repeater.
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