I agree with all, it is obviously BPL with notched out amateur frequencies. Re: the suggested loop, I've used small magnetic amplified loops to help with exactly this type of situation. In a previous QTH, I was in an area that had BPL with amateur notched out. Using a Pixel PRO 1A loop (the predecessor to the current version, the 1B PRO, I think), I was able to rotate it using the "armstrong" rotator to avoid the interference. These types of amplified magnetic loops, like the Pixel 1B PRO and the Wellbrook antennas have a very rounded reception pattern, with a very deep, sharp null so you can rotate the antenna the practically eliminate a signal entirely. A couple of things have to be working in your favor for this to be a solution. Namely, the BPL must be coming from a single direction/area. If you're surrounded by it, your toast and nothing will help other than noise blankers and/or noise filters, as noted previously. Plus, these antennas are expensive ($500 range last I looked). However, I can attest to the fact that they work extremely well. I've used both the Pixel and Wellbrook brand magnetic loop amplified antennas in the past. They receive great, often outperforming all but the best directional yagi antennas, can be mounted low to the ground. Higher is better, but not by a margin that's worth the effort to get it mounted higher if it would take a lot of effort/cost. And, as I previously noted, they have a pattern with that great null that's very useful for getting rid of interference. My last one was mounted on a 10 foot pole that was just strapped to a fence post. I didn't even have a rotator on it. If/when I really needed to deal with an issue, I'd just run outside and rotate the mast the antenna was mounted on. I just recently sold my Pixel PRO 1A, and I'm now sorry I did. I have a horizontal loop around my entire property (roughly 800 feet of wire, mounted mostly at about 70 feet), which hears better than the Pixel did. However, it hears EVERYTHING better, including all the man made noise. So, the moral of the story...if you can get your hands on one of these amplified magnetic loop antennas for cheap, or borrow one to try it out, it might help resolve your issue.