WiFi Notch Filter?

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
I live in a dense WiFi signal area and I need to remove as much RF noise from my surrounding. The biggest is WiFi, followed by cellular.

Before the proliferation of WiFi, I used to be able to pick up a repeater some 30 miles away. Now it barely make it past the noise floor.

So I need dedicated notch filters to really drown out the RF noise from WiFi, LTE, BC FM and shortwave. I have found notch filters for all the others, but I'm having a hard time finding anything for WiFi.

RF interference has to be quite strong to de-sense your receiver and near in frequency--you are considering too far away and really not that powerful. If you have already blocked BC FM, your problem is might be buildings that have gone up between the repeater and you (in my case, I have seen similar happen several times when buildings were built between) . An one has to also consider if a nearby TV station making the move to UHF from low VHF might be an issue. I am sure WiFi did not cause your problem.


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
I tried to remove all electrical noise by turning off the main power to the house and the signal was the same, no changes.

That led me to believe that it was WiFi in the neighborhood since the last time I listened to this repeater was a few years back when there were just one or three hotpots around me.

That's jumping to a confusion. Wi-Fi is too low-powered and too far from VHF to be an interference issue. New construction between you and the repeater, or a problem with the repeater itself could be the cause.

If you get a bandpass filter for 150MHz, it will block any out-of-band interference, regardless of where it comes from. The only thing you will have to worry about is splatter coming into the 150MHz region from somewhere else (such as a harmonic from a 50MHz transmitter).


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
I tried to remove all electrical noise by turning off the main power to the house and the signal was the same, no changes.

That's a very good test and rules out any ill working devices in your house.

But you base your asumption on interference by the fact that one repeater now comes in very weak?
Do you hear any sort of interference noise on the frequency or other frequencies? It's normally some pulsating interference and not a steady signal.

If it is just one constant weaker signal you have now compared to some years ago it might be the transmitter that have changed antenna or it's output power and also, as other has mentioned, it could be new buildings that have been built tha last couple of years since your last monitoring that are blocking the path to the transmitter.

Only if you feel that you have less signal from other sources in other directions should you begin experimenting with filters, although most FM broadcast filters are never wrong to have inline with the coax.

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