Wiki News and Maintenance

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Thanks, boss, and everyone else that's commented so far. Always nice to get positive feedback from the chief and users both.

There's still a little more work that needs doing, but I think we've whittled it down so that the orphans and uncat pages are pretty much at a minimum now. Most everything should now be locatable without a lot of strain.

73s Mike


Canadian DB Admin
Nov 5, 2002
I'm here a lot
Looks nice. :cool:
It would be great if the WIKI reference could be placed on the home page rather than a link on the banner. (just under where the subscription info is located.)
It could replace the News items (some of which are quite stale) especially now that there is an Anouncement and News Forum.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
It is indeed linked on the home page - look on the left under 'Radio Features'. There's even a seperate area for specific Wiki categories. Yeah, those news items are getting stale - I suspect that's a Lindsay question.

73s Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Since the end of this month promises to be a little busy (federal End of Year on the contract I'm working on), I decided to post the news today to get it out of the way.

As we now have a new front page, that indexes pretty much everything on the site, each item named here has the section - and where needed, the topic - on the new page where this item is referenced in parenthesis. Hopefully this starts to get folks comfortable with navigating in the wiki, although I will say that there is more than 1 way to find things....

  • bezking entered a new article on the Saber II handheld (Scanners Receivers and Professional Radios - Motorola Radios)

  • Frank added screen shots to the Win96 article to demo how to make the connection with the RR web service, and also how to set up for the Va. STARS system (Forum Specific Topics - Software)

  • Tenn. milcomers take note; a while back, CORN had sent out some common milair frequencies on the Tennessee forum. I've captured them in a wiki article called 'Nashville Milcom' (Forum Specific Topics - Milcom)

  • cubn has been busy adding articles on the PGA, LPGA and NHL and adding data to the NFL article (Special Topics - Sports) He's also added data to the Champaign Illinois article (Location Specific Info- United States)

  • Looking to buy a new scanner? New, and don't know what to buy? Read LouMagg's Scanner Decision article (RR Admin and Special Services- RR FAQ). He also added a link to our Online Amateur Radio article (Online Radios)

  • ExSmokey has added information to the National Incident Radio Support Cache article (Forum Specific Topics- Federal)

  • Bassmkenk2508 has added data to our Federal Aviation Administration and Drug Enforcement Administration articles(Forum Specific Topics- Federal)

  • Molay added a new link for MPTTrunker (Trunked Radio Decoders)

That's it for this month. 73s Mike


Aug 5, 2006
On the Road
Some of you may have noticed the enormous amount of new registrations by spambots on the Wiki lately. I would just like everybody to know that the Admins are working with Lindsay on this problem and it will be resolved shortly.



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Hi all - now that our Forum and Wiki IDs are the same, hopefully we won't see too much more of the spambots and netbots that have plagued us in the last month or two. It's been a busy month, so let's hop to can find the referred article by looking at the topic and link in our wiki's front page as shown in italics

  • cubn has been continuing to add information to various sports organization's articles and the Champaign Ill.pages. In addition, articles on Formula One, Indy Racing League, Illinois County Dispatch, Major League Soccer, NBA and WNBA have been added (Special Topics/Sports and Location Specific Info/United States)

  • CitationJet has corrected some data on our Fort_Belvoir/Davison_AAF article (Milcom)

  • Cypherpunk has added an article for the Internal Squelch Adjustment on the BC246 (Special Topics/Modifications)

  • LouMagg added redirects on SSB and LSB; I added numerous abbreviations from the wiki redirects special page to our glossary to make them easier to find. In addition Lou made some changes to the Astro 25 and Motorola Astro articles (Special Topics/RR Glossary)

  • Davein has updated the articles for the GRE radios (Forum Specific Topics/GRE Radios)

  • Scanner_freak has added some details to the Motorola Talkgroups and Motorola Type II SmartZone OmniLink articles (Special Topics/RR Glossary)

  • Bala has added a stub for the Kenwood TK780/880. More information is needed here (Scanners, Receivers and Professional Radios/Professional Radios)

  • Our chief has added a little to the Federal/Non-Federal Interoperability article (Forum Specific Topics/Federal)

  • I've been busy, too...

    - added a new article for BC245 owners that explains how to set up trunking with this old scanner (Special Topics/Programming Shortcuts)

    - Additional documents from Bill Cheek, as well as interfacing older radios such as the AOR8000 and AOR8200 with Trunker were originally
    located in the contents section has been migrated to the Wiki. The Trunker article has been modified with a new section to capture these links by receiver (Software and Trunked Radio Decoders).

    - Migrated an article on getting a discriminator tap from the Icom R7100 from the contents area into the Wiki (Special Topics/Modifications)

    - Follow up articles from Bill Cheek and originally found in the contents area, have been wrapped into the scandata faq document as scandata faq q10, q11 and q12 (Special Topics/Modifications)

    - Added links to many web sites where receiver reviews can be found. This seems to be a very popular question. Don't be shy about adding another site to the list. (Scanners, Receivers and Professional Radios/Receiver Reviews)

    - Added links to web sites where other scanner modifications - many of them for older models - can be found. Another question that seems to have a steady interest. Again, if you find a site with worthwhile mods, please add it to the list (Special Topics/Modifications)

    - The Armed Forces Network has redesigned their website, and moved their HF frequency list.(Special Topics/Utility Monitoring)

  • As we get closer and closer to the holidays, when people travel, a common question - besides where they can find frequencies - is where one can find frequencies for their scanner? Well, at least in some cases, the Yahoo group for your scanner has files in their files section (such is the case with the BCD396, for example). In other cases, there are regional scanning-related Yahoo groups that also has files. Some have put web pages up where you can find indexes to files. We now have such an article in our (Special Topics/Software) section called 'Programming Files'. If you know of any other regional Yahoo groups that have files, or a web page, please consider adding it to the list.

    The other source is right here on RR, providing you are a paid subscriber and use one of the apps that can connect to the DB. Unfortunately
    that list of supported apps is rather thin when you get beyond the BuTel and more current Starrsoft packages. If you don't have one of these apps, all is not lost, if you have Excel. Fmon and I built an article to detail how to use Excel to copy/paste data from the RRDB into various formats. Included are ARC250, Scan Control, most of the Win9x series and Scancat Lite Plus. Of course, ARC250's current version has the RRDB import ability, as does Win96/97, but this little tidbit is also good if you own an early version of the software, or don't have time to get on to pay for a subscription (Forum Specific Topics/Software). If there are other software packages that can use a similar technique (BCTool, Freescan, ProScan, ect.), please consider documenting it here. The title of the article is 'Excel Copy/Paste Special to Software'

A couple of things: Each ID on the wiki has a user area which can be used for just about anything radio related (and yes, that would include TV/FM DXing and skip chasing...). For example, do you find you are constantly referring to just a couple of articles? Code them on your user page, and you will have an even easier time of finding them. Want to try to code an article in an out of the way place, without putting it in the sandbox (which is public and can be wiped at any time)? Code it in your user area. In fact, I coded much of the new front article (the very first article you see when you bring up the wiki) in my own user area.

The other thing is directed squarely at the milcomers among us - with the loss of the FLIPs, it's now a good deal harder to find active frequencies, particularly if you're new. While it's true that using formatted searches finds new freqs, a good deal of the time, it's dead quiet. Newcomers need a good starting point - say 20 or 30 freqs that are known to be active in their area. Such a list can be used to gauge how well your setup is performing, as well as getting your feet wet with a minimum of hassle. We have a few areas already covered in the wiki, but could stand lots more.

73s and out....Mike


Aug 5, 2006
On the Road

Important Announcement:

Lindsay Blanton will be moving the wiki to a new server this week. As such, several things wil happen:

  • Editing on the Wiki will be completely disabled for the duration of the upgrade.
  • Wiki will be offline when the actual transfer occurs.
  • Once the transfer is complete, there may be a 24 hour period when the wiki is unavailable in which DNS records are updated.
  • After the transfer, there will be an overall increase in Wiki performance.

Thanks to everyone for their hard work!


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
It's been another month or so and things have slowed down a bit, but hey it's quality not quantity that counts, and we've got that here...

  • The big news is the release of the GRE PSR-500; JPryor and Davein have added a bunch of material here (Scanners,Receivers and Professional Radios/Digital Trunktrackers)

  • Pro-97 put a couple of articles up on BWI and Martin State Airports (Location Specific Info/United States)

  • Cubn has added a bunch of data for the Bloomington, Champaign/Urbana and Ill.County sheriff freqs, as well as the LPGA, WBNA, NBA, Major League Soccer, Major League Baseball and the 'Northern League' (Location Specific Info/United States and Special Topics/Sports)

  • Dtscho has added some new information on MOTOTRBO, and who uses this mode such as the NBA, WNBA and NHL. He's also modified the list of scanners that support Close Call/Do Not Disturb and added the PSR-500 to the list of scanners that can trunk LTR standard. Lastly he added the 'Richmond Braves' to the Triple A Baseball article (Special Topics/Sports and RR Glossary)

  • Frank has added articles with Programming Shortcuts for the PRO-97 and 2055. In addition, he and I added Excel 7.0 instructions for the 'Excel Copy/Paste Special to Software' article (Special Topics/Programming Shortcuts and Forum Specific Topics/Software)

  • I've added articles for the Falcon Virgo exercises held in the DC area and made a Delmarva Milcom Quick list for those newcomers in the Delmarva who want a fast list of freqs known to have activity. In addition, I've also coded a quick article that details other software to use in place of that terrible Scancat Lite Plus article called 'Popular Software for RS/Uniden Scanners' (Forum Specific Topics/Milcom and Software)

  • This is interesting - Bagmouse7 found a replacement for the UT36 voice synthesizer for the Icom R-9000. Evidently it's hard to find - you wouldn't think it would be hard to find for a kilobuck receiver...(Scanners Receivers and Professional Radios/Desktop Receivers)

Watch those 16oz.arm curls :D and see ya next time 73s Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I thought that I might get this report out of the way, with the holidays coming up things will be getting busy for everyone.

  • cubn added details to the LPGA, NHL, MLB, NFL, PGA, NASCAR (Special Topics/Sports) and Champaign/Urbana (Location Specific Info/United States/Illinois) articles. He's also added a new event-related article for the Peoria Prairie Air Show (Peoria, IL) (Forum Specific Topics/Aircraft Monitoring)

  • trunker added links to the 'Easier to Read' manuals to the DMA scanner articles (Scanners, Receivers and Professional Radios/Digital Trunktrackers)

  • Davein added/changed release and availability details for GRE Radios article (Forum Specific Topics/GRE Radios)

  • snikliw87 added an image to the BC60XLT scanner (Scanners, Receivers and Professional Radios/Conventional Scanners)

  • Eorange responded to my suggestion about a milcom quick list and developed the Ohio Milcom quick page (Forum Specific Topics/Milcom)

  • citationJet added a/c serial numbers to WV ANG 167th Airlift Wing (Forum Specific Topics/Milcom)

  • On occasion questions have come up about scanner packages for OSs other than Windows. There are a few - not nearly as many as for the Windows environment - and these have been gathered in the new Scanner/Receiver Software for Non Windows OS
    article (Forum Specific Topics/Software Applications)

  • I rewrote the software section of the BCD996Q&A article for functionality as well as removing viewpoint driven notes, which is contrary to wiki standards. cpuerror has added FreeScan to the list of software support(Special Topics/DMA Radios Hints and Kinks)

  • LouMagg added an article on simulcast digital distortion and Narrowbanding (also known as Refarming) (Special Topics/RR Glossary. This item has also been linked to each of the digital trunktrackers)

  • kdragos added Scan Control to the Popular Software for RS/Uniden scanners article (Forum Specific Topics/Software Applications)

  • stick0413 added important details for PSR500 (and possibly PSR600) to the Unitrunker article (Forum Specific Topics/Trunked Radio Decoders)

  • nd5y added details to the Television freqs article (Special Topics/Common Frequencies)

  • TNLTRPB changed the Motorola XTS Series article (Scanners, Receivers and Professional Radios/Motorola Radios)

  • kmacka wrote an article on the Wilkes Barre/Scranton International Airport (Forum Specific Topics/Aircraft Monitoring and Location Specific Info/United States/Pennsylvania)

A couple of maintenance related items:

  • As of this writing the wiki extensions are down. The Chief has been emailed

  • Something I learned some time ago crept up on me again just recently. I had changed some frequencies in the Andrews AFB database entry, but I wasn't seeing them reflected in the wiki article. The article was using the extensions, and cleared my browser
    cache, but no luck; I came to find out that like my browser, the Wiki has its own cache, and it was likely I was picking up the 'old' entry from that. I added a command to purge the cache, then re-retrieve the frequencies from the database and display them. The command is an addition to the end of the URL for the article, written '?action=purge'. That worked; the new frequencies were now showing up in the expected spots.

    To prevent a similar occurance on the articles that use extensions, I have added a refresh link at the bottom of each article. In addition, a brief explanation of this has also been added to the end of the RR Wiki extensions article. It's in small type at the very bottom so it doesn't greatly affect the flow of the article

  • Where possible I have attempted to sweep the wiki and redo all links that are nothing more than URLs. These are referred to as bare links and are considered bad form. Those links that no longer work have been dropped. The bare links have now been changed to named links. These kinds of links are created with the URL - and a plain text name - enclosed in square brackets. For example;

    [ Airnav]

    When read by MediaWiki, it will change this coding to the word 'Airnav' in blue, followed by a box with an arrow in it. Please try to avoid creating bare links; if you need help with this please email BezKing or myself and we'll be glad to point you in the right direction.

    As we now see all the changes that go on in the wiki on the main page, this will be my last report. This sticky will still be used from time to time for odd news and announcements, and if there are questions about how to use the wiki, or some feature, please feel free
    to post it or email us - we'll be happy to help.

Best 73s to all and a safe holiday Mike


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
The Wiki extensions are now back up - however it appears that there are some coding changes needed to accomodate the new 3.0 database structures. If your article looks like it's missing data, this is the likely reason. We will be working on recoding these articles as quickly as possible. With the upcoming holidays, and folks (including me) traveling, it may take some time before we're all caught up, but we will get there.
Thanks to Lindsay for letting us know that the extensions are back....73s Mike


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
ka3jjz said:
The Wiki extensions are now back up - however it appears that there are some coding changes needed to accomodate the new 3.0 database structures. If your article looks like it's missing data, this is the likely reason. We will be working on recoding these articles as quickly as possible. With the upcoming holidays, and folks (including me) traveling, it may take some time before we're all caught up, but we will get there.
Thanks to Lindsay for letting us know that the extensions are back....73s Mike
Travel safely Mike and enjoy your trip.


Aug 5, 2006
On the Road
I've added a small guide for people to convert the listings to the new format if they want. It can be found here. Any assistance in this conversion would be GREATLY appreciated by the admins. Thanks!
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Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Marion/Johnson County, IN
How do you display all talkgroups with RR wiki extensions in v3.0?

When you display all the talkgroups for a system, such as on this page: , the Unique ID is 999. If you try to include that on a wiki page, such as using this syntax for the Champaign County MDICE system: <tg>4403|999</tg> no talkgroups show up. I have no problem displaying a group of talkgroups such as EMA, but can no longer display all the talkgroups like we could in the past with the syntax: <tg>4403|All</tg>

Has anyone figured out how to display all the talkgroups like we could before v3.0? The reason I want to display all the talkgroups on my page is that the system is very new and we are trying to identify new talkgroups and if they are encrypted or not and it helps to see the whole list to see if what Pro96com has found or what we've heard is already in the RR database or not. Any suggestions?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Re using the <tg> tag and 999 as the DB ID - I've reported the issue to Lindsay. There also seems to be an issue (also reported) with the <site> tag, where sometimes it doesn't display the frequencies in the table; just shows the name and site ID.

Please continue coding with the new tags - even if they don't work as intended, I think most of the articles that have freq/talkgroups as pulled from the db also have 'refresh' links at the bottom. That makes reloading - and refreshing - the article a single keystroke.

Thanks for jumping in here and helping tear out all these old pre-3.0 links in the other articles. It's greatly appreciated. There were more changes, frankly, then I thought would be needed....73s Mike
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I think at this point we've gotten the lion's share of the extensions converted. Thanx to Bezking and Cubn for pitching in - I know I couldn't have done this so quickly without their help.

If you plan to add frequency and/or talkgroup information to the wiki, please read the extensions article first. There's been some important changes to the way the extensions are coded. I'd also recommend paying attention to adding a 'refresh' link at the bottom of the article - the extensions article shows you how to do this.

73s Mike


Aug 5, 2006
On the Road


Senior Moderator
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Central Ontario
Monthly Reports

Hi Mike,
What ever happened to your monthly reports?, I always enjoyed reading your post on what members have added and changed.
Everybody has done a great job on the wiki and I am sure its appreciated in the RR community.

Good job everybody!
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Once the change logs were visible on the front page they became rather redundant. So rather than restating the obvious and wasting bandwidth, I discontinued them.

That being said thanks for the kind words. 73 Mike
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