I just wounder since all states around us have a state wide trunk in p25.How long til georgia has one.
The poster shows his bias, typical of folks in/from ATL, by describing Georgia outside metro ATL as "rural of semi-rural." In MY part of the State, based in SAV, he have a 700 MHz P-25 trunking system that covers 6 counties so far, I-95 from the SC border to the FL border, and I-16 from Savannah to Statesboro.
The make up of the system is explained on the SEGARRN web site. At present 4 GSP posts are on the system with cars equipped location based radios. SEGARRN = southeast Georgia regional radio network.
We have our own GSP night hawks unit for hi-intensity DUI enforcement. Oh and right in the middle of the area we have Ft Stewart/Hunter AAF (now testing a 385 MHz P-25 system to replace their 405 MHz analog one). Ft Stewart is the home of the 3rd Infantry division and is the largest military base E of the Mississippi river.
The poster shows his bias, typical of folks in/from ATL, by describing Georgia outside metro ATL as "rural of semi-rural." In MY part of the State, based in SAV, he have a 700 MHz P-25 trunking system that covers 6 counties so far, I-95 from the SC border to the FL border, and I-16 from Savannah to Statesboro.
The make up of the system is explained on the SEGARRN web site. At present 4 GSP posts are on the system with cars equipped location based radios. SEGARRN = southeast Georgia regional radio network.
We have our own GSP night hawks unit for hi-intensity DUI enforcement. Oh and right in the middle of the area we have Ft Stewart/Hunter AAF (now testing a 385 MHz P-25 system to replace their 405 MHz analog one). Ft Stewart is the home of the 3rd Infantry division and is the largest military base E of the Mississippi river.
The poster shows his bias, typical of folks in/from ATL, by describing Georgia outside metro ATL as "rural of semi-rural." In MY part of the State, based in SAV, he have a 700 MHz P-25 trunking system that covers 6 counties so far, I-95 from the SC border to the FL border, and I-16 from Savannah to Statesboro.
The make up of the system is explained on the SEGARRN web site. At present 4 GSP posts are on the system with cars equipped location based radios. SEGARRN = southeast Georgia regional radio network.
We have our own GSP night hawks unit for hi-intensity DUI enforcement. Oh and right in the middle of the area we have Ft Stewart/Hunter AAF (now testing a 385 MHz P-25 system to replace their 405 MHz analog one). Ft Stewart is the home of the 3rd Infantry division and is the largest military base E of the Mississippi river.
Well i see why we dont have it but i do beleve it would be a good idea minuse the cost.Im from Michigan and they have a state wide system buddy of mine told me its doing pretty well.I listend too some of it.Here Polk co ours went too that turbo system i hate that.As a hobbiest i dont go were they accident is nor do i gossip about it. Its just allways good too know what going on so you know too take adiffrent rout.Well at least i can wish on that it would be nice.Rather then tenn haven too add us witch is not bad .But id think that would get all confusen after awhile.I mean 2 differ states the 10 codes ect.iI just thought id ask as it seems states around us are doing that state wide.Yet georgia is not.Kinda odd in my option ;/.thanks for the answers.Allway good too learn from the Pros here
is the 300mhz trunk sound pretty good and clear id had herd it does but never heard for myself.I need too brosw thru the area down there .I noticed on the db page they are updaten alot.just thought id ask and thanks
Building any radio communications or wireless system in an area like this is no easy task. If it's any indication of how rural the state is, look at the average cellular provider's coverage map of this state and take note of the many holes and areas without coverage altogether.
Well i wasnt knocking georgia ive been here little over 17 years just kinda wanted too know now i do but then i have too ask i was looking at countyes south of me harrilson and heard co i think herds avg is like 9,000 but i can see why they have it it makes it easyer too communcate with countys like Haralson County and Carroll. and were i live is stilla small town but they manged too spend 600,000 ona trunk system that you cant even hear and it comes out of our pockets i dont get it nor will i ever i guess afeww bad apples caused them too do that ...But i dont understand what youall are saying cause michigan is flat pretty much till you get too the upper part
Since the cellular coverage is revenue driven, the 'covered area' like many States, tends to be centered around Interstate highways. Even in Florida there is little coverage of the Everglades swamps. just as is the case in some parts of south Georgia.
Well i wasnt knocking georgia ive been here little over 17 years just kinda wanted too know now i do but then i have too ask i was looking at countyes south of me harrilson and heard co i think herds avg is like 9,000 but i can see why they have it it makes it easyer too communcate with countys like Haralson County and Carroll. and were i live is stilla small town but they manged too spend 600,000 ona trunk system that you cant even hear and it comes out of our pockets i dont get it nor will i ever i guess afeww bad apples caused them too do that ...But i dont understand what youall are saying cause michigan is flat pretty much till you get too the upper part
the WARRS system was built with a great percentage of Federal grant money, as were many P25 phase I systems in the area. Much of that well has dried up, it isn't flowing out of Washington DC like it was back in 2004/2005.
The other issue all states face are the accelerated life cycles of these complex radio networks. You can no longer expect to get 10-15 or 20 years out of a radio system before it's obsolete. Today's vendors, one in particular, has lowered that number to 5-7, about on par with Microsoft operating system life cycle.
This is a ton of money to spend only to have to turn around and go through the constant forklift upgrades. Once you get done paying off the first one in 5 years, time to stay in debt and do it for the next.
That is what is wrong with this country and why we will never get out of debt.
you know they dont make the radios too last anymore cause its all about the buck.I remeber when radios lasted so 20 years now like you said you may get 5 at the most they are poorly built.If they gonna make people pay 3 gand for a radio it should at least last 15 years not 5 thats just wrong.In my Humble option