I whole-heartedly endorse MTS2000's comments. Public Safety personnel in Bainbridge don't need or want a radio system in which they can talk to the Fulton County Sheriff. If they need to talk to the FCSO, they pick up the telephone - remember that device? I've lived in Bainbridge and not being critical, but they like their small-town world and don't want the cost and contraptions associated with big city life. Having worked for the telecommunications industry for many years, the nice thing about a phone is that you can talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere and the cost is still dirt cheap! Besides, Georgia is the largest state (land wise) east of the Miss. River. Some states today with statewide systems are much smaller.
I agree, except on problem, the telecom cartels (Verizon, AT&T) want to eliminate their copper switched network, even in places where they don't have an IP network in it's place:
Six Months After Sandy, Verizon Abandoning Wired Network in Mantoloking, N.J. | Stop the Cap!
Problem with voice link is, it sucks as bad if not worse than cellphones. It relies on already bloated cellular infrastructure, has crappy audio (so crappy it cannot even support dial up internet, no fax machines, no credit cards, no wireless alarm monitoring).
In short, it ain't no ESS in a hardened C/O with a generator backup that not even WW3 could stop from working.
GETS my butt, these cartels aren't interested in hardening their networks, they have no reason to do so, it cuts into their profits. Back when we had THE BELL SYSTEM, that "evil government" had sensible regulation in place which required the BELL SYSTEM to perform to certain standards.
You actually could pick up a Western Electric phone and IT WORKED no matter where, when or what was going on. You had PEOPLE who realized their place in the system was not just a job, but a commitment to serving their community. They understand how vital the BELL SYSTEM was to their country. We HAD the best phone system in the world...
Until some morons in government, and corporate greed fubar'ed it. Now, we have such great "choice"...unreliable voice and data service, no customer support, bills that creep up loaded with junk fees and gotchas, contracts of adhesion, and an industry with an endless thirst to own every single piece of radio spectrum to rent it back to us, under their one sided terms of course.
Yeah, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was a great idea. So was divestiture. NOT!
Public safety NEEDS a RELIABLE voice network, I'm sad to say the scraps that once was the greatest communications system on earth is not it.