DaveNF2G said:
It seems unlikely. The IRAC list was classified back in 1982, but Congress has been reluctant to provide much money for domestic military facilities since then - note the many bases that have been closed, and they aren't done yet.
The military is not as paranoid as the civilian "Homeland Security" agencies, so there probably will not be a great rush to talk Congress into funding unnecessarily secure radio systems. The money is more urgently needed for weapons, salaries, and such activities as armoring military vehicles that are being used in combat.
Glad to hear it, amen. This makes absolute sense. Save the money for weapons systems and so forth. The better our technology the better off we are. I know that the military has secure radio equipment up the wazu but was interesting that they don't use it on base. I just thought of why.
Because if they where to, a spy or some one would be able to analyze the technology and dissect what it is. This may be a very good reason. I'm funny this way I think about the question as I type and I come up with an answer. :lol:
When I said comy. and paranoid I don't want to sound like I'm anti government or something I just think that it's a waste of money and Homeland security needs to have better check writing habits. I think they need to say that the money can
ONLY be used for -PPE- (Personal protection equipment) and other technology which would aid in the event of a terrorist attack or other disaster. This is what really makes sense not some fancy ass radios.
And this is why I'm glad to be an American. The first amendment baby!!! :wink:
Can we get an American flag emoticon? With this said I guess one would be needed for each of the, I believe 5 countrys with a trunked radio system that is represented here on the site.
Please, please, please, No soap box, no soap box
EDIT: And let there be a soap box.