rescue161 said:
Those FRS radios that you see our guys using overseas are not your common FRS radios. They use the 380 MHz band. Yes, they suck, but that's not the only radios they use.
YES THEY ARE regular FRS radios most of the time, is nothing new and no secret. Here's one of a thousand links you get when you do a search on the web about it. The new radios on the 380 band came about because of this illegal FRS use. So now they might not be as many in use but they still do.
The article, which is from past December, even talks about the current "radio shortages".
It's not like they are paying any 'extra' for the modules, it's a standard price through FED LOG.
What I was saying in an earlier post and I still stand by my "logic", even if it was about $100 extra on the total price for a crypto enabled radio, after just 2,000 radios that's an extra $200K. And for what, so that nearby citizens (in the U.S.) can't hear them talk about where they're going to lunch today, etc.
In other words, here at home, for day to day use, the bases and troops should get good solid plain working radios without much bells and whistles (like encryption) and leave the "fancy" radios for special ops or places like Iraq. Or you're saying that next time they put an order through FED LOG for 10,000 radios, is going to cost the same to buy plain HT1000 as it cost to buy loaded XTS5000?
The original thread starter, poltergeisty, was wondering if bases, depots, etc were eventually all going to be encrypted. I would say if they keep buying top of the line radios for even the janitors, then most likely one day it'll be too easy to "throw the switch" and go completely secure, so unfortunately, it might be possible. Of course, that would be at the expense of an already depleted budget and resources in MY opinion....
Don't worry N_Jay, I won't take it any farther from the topic to bother YOUR kind of thinking and logic. :twisted: