Winter Storm Causing Massive Disruption To Internet


Feed Provider
Feed Provider
Sep 4, 2023
Lake Livingston, TX
It appears the current Winter Ice/Snow Storm is causing massive disruptions to the Internet. I have received a notice from my provider about the disruption and my son up in Fort Worth also received a notice from Spectrum that they are experiencing outages and expect more potential disruptions,

It is virtually impossible to stream anything right now here, and clicking on a website is a hit and miss thing as to if you will even get the page to load, and if it does only somethings are partially showing up and/or freezing loading. Broadcastify feeds are in and out and lagging badly. Pulling anything from outside the US is really bad.

It is bright and sunny here, and 42 degrees on the lake, but the further north you go it is getting worse. Predicting 4-6" snow in the DFW area on Thursday-Friday, and possibly some here on Lake Livingston. Guess it's only going to get worse and we will also have electrical outages.

How's everyone else doing in this weather?


Jul 8, 2002
It appears the current Winter Ice/Snow Storm is causing massive disruptions to the Internet. I have received a notice from my provider about the disruption and my son up in Fort Worth also received a notice from Spectrum that they are experiencing outages and expect more potential disruptions,

It is virtually impossible to stream anything right now here, and clicking on a website is a hit and miss thing as to if you will even get the page to load, and if it does only somethings are partially showing up and/or freezing loading. Broadcastify feeds are in and out and lagging badly. Pulling anything from outside the US is really bad.

It is bright and sunny here, and 42 degrees on the lake, but the further north you go it is getting worse. Predicting 4-6" snow in the DFW area on Thursday-Friday, and possibly some here on Lake Livingston. Guess it's only going to get worse and we will also have electrical outages.

How's everyone else doing in this weather?
All da kids home from school, now streaming and hogging the bandwidth.


An Awesome Dude
Aug 8, 2009
It was -6 here this morning... Quite cold I would say!

I have noticed a few sites being slow the last few days but thakfully nothing really too bad...