TUSA WISCOM report is out
The second TUSA report is (finally) out:
Not sure when it was actually released, nor sure of when it was put on the website - probably within the last 2-3 weeks though. There's no appendices yet, those are "coming soon." There's no date on the TUSA report, which is interesting.
In any case, the report is a pretty severe indictment of the system. To be clear, you have to know how to read consultant reports to understand the full impact of what's in the report - a brief run-through may give the uncritical reader the idea that a few things might need to be cleaned up. Remember that any consulting company will try to not denigrate their paying customer too much, as there's possible future business at stake.
There are "WTF" face palm statements throughout the report, usually a one or two per page but sometimes many more. Many of these WTF statements could probably stand to be expanded on for multiple paragraphs or even pages. If you're not seeing them, slow down and re-read.
There's also a lot of material that they don't analyze much in the report - my assessment is that they had so many issues that they didn't bother with it as it would seem to be like "piling on" for a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty.
Bottom line, it's a mess - and they didn't even cover a handful of system issues that I and others have seen.
If you're truly interested in WISCOM, you might download the file and keep a copy for yourself - hopefully it won't disappear.
At some point when I have time, I'll highlight the WTF findings and statements and add some of the missing analysis.
It will be very interesting to see what the state might do going forward.